Chris Cooper, a California Licensed Professional Fiducary #615, is the owner and founder of Chris Cooper & Company, Inc., a fee-only financial planning firm working with people who own small businesses, with persons preparing to retire, and very elderly persons. Chris provides counseling and guidance in the areas of investments, taxation, and estate preservation. As a practitioner he invests and manages money, does personal and business tax returns and representation, and comprehensive financial planning consultations.
Chris Cooper is also the owner and founder of ElderCare Advocates, Inc. a private geriatric care management and long term care consulting firm. ElderCare Advocates is a free standing, non-hospital or other health care provider affiliated, firm providing comprehensive assessments & planning of long term care needs of disabled adults and the frail elderly. Assessments are made across the medical, psychological, social, environmental, legal and financial aspects of a person's life.
Chris began his career in nursing homes and hospitals. After finishing paramedic training and a degree in nursing, he pursued an interest in how people could finance health care, primarily acute care. He found out that chronic long term care is where financial devastation generally occurs for many people, especially the retired.
Completing the Chartered Life Underwriter and Chartered Financial Consultant designations in 1986, he went on to establish one of the few fee based financial planning practices in Toledo. He found that people wanted and needed financial advice more than financial salespeople wanted to give or could give. From this point in a new career he discovered that more thorough knowledge of taxes, investments, and law was needed, and so he completed a Masters of Science in Financial Services degree with specialization in financial planning in 1989 from the American College, Bryn Mawr, PA. Admission to the prestigious Registry of Financial Planning Practitioners, and obtaining the CERTIFIED FINACIAL PLANNER? certification were accomplished in 1990. He completed and received a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology at Bowling Green State University in 1992.
Chris Cooper is enrolled to practice and represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service. He represents clients in fair hearing processes before the Department of Health and Human Services at the state levels.
Chris Cooper, CFP® is a regular guest commentator for the ABC owned and operated WTVG-TV, Channel 13, in Toledo, Ohio appearing every Monday on 13 Action News at Noon. Chris has appeared on CBS's Early Show, NBC's Today show, and regularly appears on CNBC's Power Lunch. He is regularly quoted in print in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Money magazine, SmartMoney, and many other fine publications.
Chris received the "Twenty Under 40" award from the Toledo Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1997 for his volunteerism which include past president of the Ohio Council of the Alzheimer's Association, past president of the Northwest Ohio chapter of the Financial Planning Association, and past president of Luther Home of Mercy, Williston, Ohio.