The Association of World Citizens (AWC) is a San Francisco based international peace organization with active branches in over 30 countries. NGO status with the United Nations. AWC has held World Citizen Assemblies in Tokyo, Hiroshima, Paris, Taipei, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. The next Assembly will be held in San Francisco in 2005.
AWC goals include:
A strengthened and democratic United Nations.
Economic policies to end poverty and save the environment.
Elimination of the war system and permanent war economy through
creation of world law to settle future conflicts between nations and peoples.
Abolition of nuclear weapons with the immediate priority in removing all nuclear warheads off the present hair trigger alert status to lessen the chance of nuclear war starting by an accidental missile launch or miscalculation.
Educating people to think and act as responsible Citizens of the World in addition to their national citizenship.