The Technolytics Institute (Technolytics) was established in 2000 as an independent executive think-tank. Our primary purpose is to undertake original research and develop substantive points of view on strategic issues facing executives in businesses, government and industry around the world.
Our strategic goals focus on improving critical measures of performance, creating sustainable competitive advantage, delivering innovation and technology, and managing security and risk. We operate three centers: [Business & Commerce] ? [Security & Intelligence] and [Science & Technology].
One strategic issue for businesses, governments and militaries is the rapid evolution of cyber acts of aggression and forecasting what the future of cyber warfare will be. That is why the Technolytics Institute has dedicated significant resources to understanding this critical area and preparing critical stakeholders through education and advisories for the current and future challenges of cyber security.
Formal Training Program
Modern societies around the world, as well as the militaries that defend them, are heavily reliant on computers and information technology and that reliance is expected to grow for the foreseeable future. The use of cyber weapons and attacks as an instrument of power projection and influence is becoming increasingly more challenging. The science of modern warfare has entered the information age. The rapid advancement of cyber attacks and the emergence of cyber warfare have caught government and military leaders around the world off guard. Cyber warfare issues are of a growing national interest and concern. Cyber capabilities are a critical aspect of modern day warfare and as such must be integrated into military doctrine. A number of nations are incorporating cyber warfare as a new part of their military doctrine. The development, acquisition and use of cyber attack capabilities demand governments, militaries and the technology sector take decisive actions to mitigate our risks.
As nations around the world continue their efforts to pull together all the components of a cyber security program, the greatest challenges may be the multi-nation approach and the fact that governments and the high tech industry have to work together to address this growing threat. When you consider the foreign relations issues, the intricacies of international law and the blur of attribution, as well as the political issues that surround cyber conflict, the complexity of the cyber threat environment becomes clear and deeply concerning. As this complexity continues to increase, decision makers in the upper echelons of the national and international security community require a solid understanding of cyber security, cyber terrorism and cyber warfare in order to effectively interact with military officers, senior civilians, political appointees, congress, the media, leaders of industry, and international organizations.
Cyber warfare is now viewed as a component of a comprehensive national security strategy rather than a stand-alone option. It is paramount that the military, intelligence agencies, government leaders, and the homeland security community develop an appropriate doctrine to systematically and appropriately counter the threat of cyber terrorism and cyber warfare. This program examines the current international and domestic issues as they might apply to acts of cyber aggression, and uses case study summaries of actual event in an effort to develop real-world insights. Of special interest to the military, intelligence, government leaders and homeland security communities, this program provides a common context for discussion, coordination and decision making.
This program is specifically designed to introduce participants to the fundamental components that comprise the cyber threat environment and their relationship to the principles of cyber warfare.