Don Benton was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. While attending the College of The Canyons in Southern California he joked to his friends saying "Some day I'll be running this place" His words came true some time later when he was elected the youngest person ever to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Don also holds a business degree from Concordia College in Portland, OR.
He went to work for a 1000 unit retail conglomerate and became youngest unit manager. He then worked for and became the youngest District Manager at the third largest insurance company in the United States. Don founded a temporary employment agency. When it was sold to investors, it was the largest independent temporary employment agency in Los Angeles.
Don is founder and CEO of The Benton Group, a political and communications firm. Don Benton has been involved in politics since he was 8 years old and working on his father?s successful school board campaign. Don has run campaigns for local, state and federal office and broken fundraising records in every one of them. He is currently serving in his fourth term as a Washington State Senator. As state party chairman in 2000 he set a new party fundraising record that has never been broken.