Are you looking for an articulate Millennial spokesperson and social entrepreneur who can address the following issues?
Recruiting and motivating Gen Y?s so they are inspired to perform their best. (Andrew writes columns about this for GenJuice.)
Teen self esteem: surprising ways to help teens respect themselves and their life. (Andrew spoke at TEDx-NASA on this topic.)
Careers for students and college grads: innovative ways to turn your passion into a profession. (Andrew gives inspiring presentations at schools, colleges and youth conventions on this.)
20-Something social entrepreneurs (As a member of Summit Series and Renaissance weekends, Andrew is connected with some of the most influential and innovative groups of young entrepreneurs around the globe.)
Youth empowerment (Andrew?s non-profit organization, www.DreamsForKids.org/dc, has helped thousands of disadvantaged and disabled youth realize their dreams and become young leaders who pay it forward and help other children who are less fortunate.)
Giving back (Andrew founded a national movement to turn Black Friday into GiveBack Friday.)
Adaptive activities for kids with disabilities (Andrew is Executive Director of Dreams for Kids, Washington, D.C., which hosts clinics with pro sports teams, such as the Washington Nationals and the Washington Capitals.)