The Creating Champions for Life philosophy contains the experience of more than 15,000 hours, 2,000 children and over 800 families who usually began with an attitude of ?Please, fix my kid!? However, there was also a sheer desire to create peace, happiness and unity within their family.
Here you have an entire philosophy on successfully raising confident, productive and appreciative children in the 21st century! This information has been organized in such a manner that, when implemented, will bring riches to parents lives in terms of happiness, peace and productivity. The positive parenting strategies presented in this philosophy completely describes what to do to achieve the best results with children and also precisely how to do it!
It presents complete instructions on how to always get the best behavior, create the best relationships and receive the most cooperation from a child, children and/or teenager every day of the year, every year.
When applied, parents have all of the tools and completed the perfect system of self-analysis that will readily disclose what has been standing between them and successful interaction with their child in the past.
Thomas C. Liotta developed and used a philosophy perfectly to create successful circumstances 100% of the time with more than 800 families, personally witnessing over 2,000 children take ownership of their lives, develop successful personality characteristics, and improve their self-image. With these children there was a dramatic increase in personal productivity, behavior and school grades. This is a philosophy that works with every child, in every situation.
Perhaps many good parents have a wonderful family unit and do not need all of the information that is to be found on this website and in the complete one year program, but they may need one idea, one chart or one suggestion that will allow them to add another dimension of positivity for them and their child. Somewhere within this positive parenting philosophy is the answer every parent is looking for to solve the issue they may be having with their child.
The book and Home Study System was inspired and organized by Bonnie Liotta. Bonnie has an extensive background in personal development, touching thousands of lives through Inspirational Speaking, Coaching and Business Leadership. She was also raising her four children as a single mom when Thomas began to share some of his wisdom, knowledge and personal child rearing philosophies with her and they worked to produce happiness, success and gratitude!!!
In the Creating Champions for Life Home Study System, you will find laid out 12 principles of child rearing that are essential information for every parent who is choosing to see their child set up for the most success possible in their adult life! When applied correctly the information you will read in their book will guarantee success for every child, for every family unit, and anyone who chooses to engage. The research and applied application of gathering this information, before this philosophy could be written in a book or even be an idea conceived to be written, is an estimated 15,000 hours, over a 10 year period, with more than 2,000 children.
The knowledge contained in this website is not and has not been duplicated anywhere because the philosophy was initially created out of personal necessity and it existed only in the mind of the philosopher, Thomas C. Liotta.