Drawing on 28 years of corporate experience running companies as CEO and Co-Founder to increase shareholder value, Chas Klivans launched The CEO?s Navigator in 2001 to help leadership teams move from strategy to results with confidence, safety, and strategic agility.
The firm has pioneered a new integrated business solution that both increases company wealth creation and harnesses leaders into an ?A-level? business team, and is called Innovation2. Innovation2 has roots in the survival skills Mr. Klivans used to get out alive from the jungles of Peru, Malaysia, and prison in Afghanistan. Mr. Klivans? personal journey from an Afghanistan prison to the Board Room enabled him to crack the code of innovation, and help his mid-market clients, small companies, and family businesses to exploit new ideas, products and services to produce dynamic and lucrative businesses ? because they expect predictable innovations ? incremental and disruptive - far into the future.
Mr. Klivans received a Masters in business from Yale University, and a Masters as a psychotherapist from Western Michigan University. In rural Malaysia, as a Peace Corps Volunteer, he developed a first-of-its-kind village-based mental health treatment program using local shamans. During time spent in Japan, he received training in Zen at the Daitokuji Buddhist Monastery.
Mr. Klivans is a frequent advisor, speaker, and trainer for corporations, professional societies, trade associations, and is an approved Vistage Speaker.