Amelia Frahm helped pioneer resources for children affected by cancer and was the first cancer survivor to create an elementary program about cancer.
But the first school program she created was about nuclear power plants. Her children's book, "
How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works," will be published 2011.
She?s the owner of
Nutcracker Publishing Company, author of the award winning "
Tickles Tabitha?s Cancer-tankerous Mommy," a contributor to the inspirational FREE e-book, "
How We Became Breast Cancer Thrivers," and creator of
Crack Open a Book! cancer education curriculum for elementary school children.
Contact: / 919-924-2058. Or

Amelia Frahm helped pioneer resources for children affected by cancer and was the first cancer survivor to create an elementary program about cancer.
But the first school program she created was about nuclear power plants. Her children's book, "How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works," will be published 2011.
She?s the owner of Nutcracker Publishing Company, author of the award winning "Tickles Tabitha?s Cancer-tankerous Mommy," co-author of the inspirational FREE e-book, "How We Became Breast Cancer Thrivers and creator of the Crack Open a Book! cancer education curriculum for elementary school children. / 919-924-2058.