Gayl Murphy is a Media Expert, veteran Hollywood correspondent, speaker, media and presentational business coach and the author of the bestselling Interview Tactics! How to Survive the Media without Getting Clobbered!
As a Hollywood Correspondent, Murphy specializes in interviewing the industry?s biggest stars. Based in Hollywood, she has worked with many of the top news outlets including; ABC News, BBC News and SKY News, to name a few. The media-savvy Murphy has been up-close and personal with about 14,000 of the most famous celebrities and newsmakers in the world.
?I can probably count on one hand the number of the stars I HAVEN?T talked to.? Murphy says. ?I love what I do?and to the amazement of my friends and colleagues, I never get tired of it because it?s always fascinating to hear people?s stories.?
Murphy has taken what she knows about crafting a great story that the media and the consumer will devour, and put it to work for the average business executive, corporate spokesman, author or inventor.
As a ?media expert,.? she can tell you what makes a great news story, how to successfully work with the media, what they really want from an interview and how to create killer soundbites and pitches. It?s that expertise that motivated her to write her book ?Interview Tactics! How to Survive the Media Without Getting Clobbered! The Insider?s Guide to Giving a Killer Interview!?