Joe Kennedy -- The Small Business Owners Manual
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Joe Kennedy -- The Small Business Owners Manual
Los Angeles, CA United States
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Contact Information
Joe Kennedy

United States
Main Phone: 310 207 4080
Contact Phone: 888 394 3571
Cell Phone: 310 259 2403

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With 25+ years of experience as owner, officer, vendor, customer, manager and consultant to hundreds of small businesses, Joe Kennedy knows how entrepreneurs think and their drive to get to the essence of an issue, make the right decision and move on.

A well-known speaker with a Master?s in Business Administration from the Pennsylvania State University, Kennedy?s new book, The Small Business Owner?s Manual (Career Press) is available at bookstores nationwide and online at and

Busy entrepreneurs rely on The Small Business Owner?s Manual because its highly-organized format lends itself to easily and immediately locating the answer to their question of the moment.

Kennedy also is the founder and president of ANT in Los Angeles (, which provides IT products and services to some of the largest (Bank of America, IBM, IRS, Kraft Foods) and smallest - organizations in the world.

Contact Joe at 310.259.2403 or email

Topics Joe is often asked about include:

? Choosing from 13 ways to get new financing and the 17 steps to building a winning loan package;
? Weighing the pros and cons of eight legal structures, from corporations to LLCs;
? Writing winning ads and analyzing 16 advertising and marketing alternatives, including the latest in Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization;
? Developing a powerful business plan in half the time;
? Learning to sell products and services by considering 10 possible sales and distribution channels;
? Harnessing the latest trends to quickly and inexpensively set up a web-site and e-store;
? Getting taxes paid on time, collecting from deadbeats, protecting the business from litigation, securing potent legal agreements, effectively finding and partnering with CPAs and attorneys;
? Analyzing the top 14 forms of business insurance, including workers comp and medical;
? Considering the top 18 critical factors used to evaluate locations and 24 of the most important clauses in lease agreements;
? Understanding the legal side of hiring, firing, and managing employees and contractors;
? Minimizing taxes by learning the ins-and-outs of business income taxes, the top 5 payroll taxes, sales and use taxes, common tax dodges, and the latest loopholes for business owners;
? Optimizing credit cards to minimize chargebacks, disputes and headaches.

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