Robert Keith Wallace_ Ph.D. - Homeland Security and Conflict Resolution Expert
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Robert Keith Wallace_ Ph.D. - Homeland Security and Conflict Resolution Expert
Fairfield, IA United States
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Jay B. Marcus
Green Valley, AZ
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Dr. Robert Keith Wallace conducted groundbreaking research in the 1970s at UCLA and Harvard documenting the physiological changes occurring during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. Dr. Wallace's research shocked the scientific community when it was first published in published in Science and Scientific American, but eventually led to the widespread use of meditation in the western world. In his new book, Victory Before War: Preventing Terrorism through the Vedic Peace Technologies of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr. Wallace turns his attention to the advanced peace technologies from the Vedic tradition of India (the source of Yoga and Ayurveda), and shows how this ancient homeland defense can be used to prevent violence in the modern world. Dr. Wallace is currently a Trustee and Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Health at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

Dr. Wallace is the author of three prior books. His research has been published in Science, Scientific American, the American Journal of Physiology, the International Journal of Neuroscience, Circulation, Neuroscience, the Experimental Neurology, and the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, among others. He has lectured on the Vedic peace technologies throughout the world, including at the National Institutes of Health, Harvard, MIT, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, UCLA, Oxford, and Cambridge, and at medical institutes and universities in Canada, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Holland, Poland, Kenya, Thailand, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Lebanon, China, and Japan. He was the keynote Speaker at the International Meeting of Young Presidents Association in Hong Kong and at the International Congress of Physiologists in New Delhi.

Dr. Wallace?s New Book

Dr. Wallace explains that the ancient Vedic approach deals with the epidemic of terrorism the way we deal with other epidemics. In this approach the terrorists are like germs. Both are ubiquitous, intent on destruction, and impossible to locate until they do their damage. Epidemics of disease and terrorism are not resolved by trying to kill all the germs or by quarantines (the terrorism counterpart to a quarantine is border control). However, epidemics can be eliminated when a critical percentage of the population becomes resistant to the threat?either through vaccines or other preventive health measures in the case of disease, or through the ancient peace technologies fully described in Dr. Wallace?s book, in the case of terrorism.

When large groups of experts practice the Vedic peace technologies (advanced meditation programs and Yagyas, or performances, involving the recitation of Vedic sounds in a specified manner), it creates a powerful influence of peace on the consciousness of everyone in the area, preventing violence and terrorist acts in the entire region where the experts are located.

Victory Before War: Preventing Terrorism through the Vedic Peace Technologies of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (just published) describes what causes terrorism, how the victims are determined, and the research that shows this approach can work. More information is at