David Kearney, Email Marketing Expert is a 25-year veteran of high-technology, AND Boomerang CEO. David Kearney began his career at Digital Equipment Corporation and has since carried out myriad roles both in marketing and engineering for the high-tech industry. Before founding the award-winning email marketing firm Boomerang in 1991 with wife Elaine Kearney, he earned an MBA from Cornell University's S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management. A former engineer with the MIT-inspired high-tech firm Massachusetts Computer Corporation (MASSCOMP) before that company purchased and assumed the name of Concurrent Computer Corporation, Kearney later served as product line marketing manager for MIPS Computer Systems (now MIPS Technologies, Inc.). Kearney's articles on email marketing have appeared in business periodicals such as DM News, and publications such as AllBusiness have quoted him on his email marketing expertise.