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Philosophically, we believe the web has become the central medium through which all other media and business communications converge. Individually, we're specialists in advertising, web design, branding, marketing, programming, interactive and communication design. Together, we're an integrated solution for your single biggest challenge: Building business in an ALWAYS ON world.
At its core, building business is an exercise in effective communication. As business communication experts, Moncur Associates helps clients define and communicate their message in the tone and media that compel their target audiences to listen and act.
We have expertise in virtually every communication discipline ? which is uncommon all by itself. But what's truly unique about our firm is that we reject the barriers that traditionally define those disciplines, and we use the web to seamlessly integrate whichever process, strategy, medium or technology is necessary to help our clients look good, sound good and sell more.
And while there are infinite variations in the way we do what we do, you need only five fingers to count the specific results we are capable of creating:
1. The story: We define, design and differentiate your brand identity
2. The buzz: We generate awareness and drive customers to you
3. The hook-up: We support sales and increase conversion rates
4. The love: We create a positive ongoing customer experience
5. The buy-in: We promote internal communication, brand alignment and employee education