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keynote speaker
Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor
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About: Mache Seibel, MD helps menopausal women struggling with symptoms get the information they need to start feeling better personally, at work and in their relationships. He is an expert on women's wellness and menopause, and an entertaining and informative keynote speaker, thought leader, and media spokesperson. Dr. Mache is a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty, and author of the #1 Best Selling books,'The Estrogen Window' and 'The Estrogen Fix.' Invite Dr. Mache to make a HouseCall to inform and entertain your audience. For more info visit
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
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About: Internationally acclaimed innovation and growth expert Val Wright was named as one of the top 50 resources for Chief Operating Officers by ClickSoftware. She is one of only 64 experts inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame. The global clients who have requested her help include Starbucks, LinkedIn, Amazon, francesca’s, Microsoft, Financial Times, Gartner, and the LA Lakers. Val’s corporate experience includes tenures during dramatic growth periods at Amazon, BMW, and Xbox. Val participated on the small team that created the fastest-selling device of all time, Kinect for Xbox, which won a Guinness Book of World Record, selling over 20 million devices. This contributed to the turnaround of Microsoft’s Entertainment business from a billion-dollar loss to a multimillion-dollar profit machine. Val’s books include Thoughtfully Ruthless, Rapid Growth Done Right, and Words That Work. She is a regular contributor on CNBC, WSJ, BBC News, Fox Business News, Inc. Magazine.
Ed Rigsbee, The Member ROI Guy - Author, The ROI of Membership
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About: Ed Rigsbee is the ROI Guy; want more customers? Give them more ROI. Want more members? Give them more ROI. Get more ROI from your alliances, get more ROI from your organizational membership. Author of 'The ROI of Membership,' 'Developing Strategic Alliances,' 'PartnerShift' and 'The Art of Partnering' -- one of America's most prolific authors on the subject of business growth through collaboration, Ed Rigsbee consults with world class clients such as Toyota, 3M, Dun & Bradstreet, DHL, BE Aerospace, George Fischer Signet, Mead, Siemens, Roland, Best Buy and others. He travels internationally to assist organizations in building strategic alliance relationships and to improve their total effectiveness and profitability. As a strategic alliance consultant, Rigsbee will help you develop and implement smart strategic alliances for continued business growth. Access resources through
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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About: Looking for someone to give you 'The Why' behind what's happening and what's next? Gioia can do that for you. High content thought leader and Celebrity Futurist who will demystify complicated workforce and workplace issue and trends. Available 24/7, highly responsive and deadline-sensitive. Articulate Certified Management Consultant, she's upbeat about the future, with a realistic focus on employee turnover, labor shortages, corporation of the future, and similar current issues. Author of recent books on management and near-term future, including 'Impending Crisis,' 'How to Become an Employer of Choice,' 'Lean & Meaningful,'and 'How to Choose Your Next Employer.' The Herman Group helps organizations and their leaders prepare for tomorrow. Gioia has been on local and national TV more than 70 times and is often quoted in the national media, like TIME, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor.
Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
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About: Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC, CSP is an ICF board certified workplace productivity and success skills coach. Celebrated speaker, facilitator, coach, author, and internationally recognized e-mail productivity expert, she has coached leaders from some of the country's top companies and built a thriving coaching practice. Named one of PA's 50 Best Women in Business, she brings over twenty-five years of outstanding corporate and volunteer experience to her workplace productivity and career coaching firm, The Egan Group, Inc. Having been interviewed in countless media outlets, incl ABC Nightly News, CNN, and USA Today, she is internationally sought as an expert source.
Mellanie True Hills -- Health and Productivity Expert -- StopAfib
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About: This best-selling author is your internationally-recognized expert on heart disease, wellness, workplace productivity, stress, life balance, and women's business success. As founder of the American Foundation for Women's Health, she saves lives by sharing her near-death experiences with heart disease and stroke and launched to advocate for patients with atrial fibrillation, a life-threatening irregular heartbeat. Her successful track record as transformation agent includes being a high-tech executive and an Internet pioneer (Dell, Cisco, JCPenney).
Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach
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About: Nina Amir - Nonfiction Author Coach - is the author of How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual, and Creative Visualization for Writers, transforms writers into authors. She motivates her clients to create books that positively impact readers and develop careers as authors. Some of her clients have gone on to sell 300,000+ copies of their books and land deals with major publishing houses. Amir maintains three blogs and, in addition to her traditionally published books, has self-published a host of ebooks, including the Write Nonfiction NOW! series of guides. She is the founder of the Nonfiction Writers' University, the Inspired Creator Community, and developed proprietary Author Training and Author Career Planning programs. Additionally, Amir is a speaker and one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches operating around the world--the only one working specifically with writers.
Maura Thomas -- Productivity Expert
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About: Maura Thomas helps busy professionals and teams discover how attention management, rather than time management, is the new path to productivity. She's ranked #8 Time Management Professional in the world for 2024 by Global Gurus, and she's been invited to share her proprietary Empowered Productivity™ System training and keynotes at hundreds of small- and medium-sized businesses in addition to th...
Sarita Maybin --- Work Together Better
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About: Work Together Better: Practical Strategies and Positive Phrases for Difficult Conversations -- Sarita Maybin shows her audiences how to transform uncomfortable conversations into constructive communication and work together better. In her 20+ years as an international speaker and communication expert, Sarita has spoken in all 50 states, 10 countries—including Iceland—and on the prestigious TEDx stage. She is a former university dean of students and literally wrote the book on how to answer the question If You Can't Say Something Nice, What DO You Say? She continues the conversation in her newest book, Say What You Mean in a Nice Way.
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
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About: Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA, is an international caregiving expert, advocate, and speaker. For over twenty years, she supported older adults and caregivers by offering in-home care, care management, professional fiduciary services, and expert witness testimony. This unique experience is Wilson's foundation to increase awareness of caregiving and care for older adults. She educates and consults with families and individuals to navigate health care, financial, and legal planning and decision-making. Wilson is a keynote speaker and educator for companies and groups worldwide and collaborates with brands. She is an expert witness in abuse and neglect cases for elder law, estate planning, probate, and personal injury law firms. She hosts The Caring Generation® podcast and is the author of The Caregiving Trap: Solutions for Life’s Unexpected Changes. Contact Pamela by telephone at 303-810-1816 or through her website
Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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About: Top keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis has written for Jay Leno’s Tonight Show monologue as well as many other people, places and groups -- radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, and even guests on the Jerry Springer show (her parents are proud). For over 25 years she’s traveled country sharing her unique and practical tips on how to use humor in business (yes it’s a business skill!). Through her humor keynotes on change management, communications, and failure, Jan helps leaders use the power of humor to instantly connect with others, make their message memorable, diffuse tension, and get people to listen. Jan is recognized as a top funny female speaker and comedian. Her keynotes offer plenty of clean humor and sold take-away tips.
Call for Speakers -- @SpeakerLeads -- Future Events Seeking Speakers
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About: @SpeakerLeads -- A private Twitter feed for ExpertClick members -- One of the most comprehensive speakers clearing house websites is the International Platform Association (PLATFORM®), which was founded in 1831 by Daniel Webster and is run in partnership with Utilizing information and resources from all the top speaker bureaus, PLATFORM has multi-tiered membership programs, free and paid, and offers a wide variety of benefits.
Chris DeArmitt PhD -- Plastics and the Environment
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About: Chris is the leading expert on Plastics and the Environment which is why respected companies like Apple, LEGO and P&G come to him for help. A deep understanding of materials and high creativity allow him to quickly solve even the toughest challenges. In 2020 Dr. DeArmitt published The Plastics Paradox, the first book to present the scientific evidence on waste, litter, degradation, microplastics and ocean plastics. The book dispelled myths propagated online. Having read over 4000 scientific articles on the topic, Chris is now in demand globally as a keynote speaker. He founded the Plastics Research Council nonprofit in 2024. Dr. DeArmitt has appeared on CBS 60 Minutes with Scott Pelley as an expert witness in a class-action lawsuit related to Marlex mesh plastic implants. Other media appearances include the BBC, Sky News and NPR/PBS.
International Platform Association
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About: The International Platform Association (IPA) was founded in 1831 by American diplomat Daniel Webster (1782-1852) and educator Josiah Holbrook. (1788-1854). Holbrook was the principal founder of the Lyceum movement in 19th Century America. The original name for the IPA in 1831 was the American Lyceum Association. The Lyceum movement was a venue for lectures, debates, and musical, religious, entertainment, and educational presentations for adults. After the Civil War, many lyceums which had been devoted to science and manufacturing advances also opened their doors to vaudeville entertainers. In some ways, the Lyceums of the 19th Century were like C-SPAN today.
Debra Holtzman, J.D., M.A. -- Corporate Consultant and Brand Spokesperson
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About: Debra Holtzman, JD, MA, is an internationally recognized child safety and health expert, infant and toddler safety educator, expert witness, mediator, and award-winning author. Known for her approa...
Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker
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About: 'Very Funny Speaker': Dale Irvin is the world's only 'Professional Summarizer.' He attends your meeting, paying attention to every word spoken by every speaker and noticing every detail of the event. Then, throughout the day, he will 'summarize' the event with a comedy monologue, written on the spot. One of his clients best described his performance, when she said: 'What Billy Crystal brings to the Academy Awards, you brought to our meeting.'
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About: Whether you're looking for a motivational speaker, keynote speaker, or breakout session leader for your next event, we can help you find the expert you need at any budget level. Post your request f...
Holland Cooke -- Talk Radio Expert
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About: ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Maura Thomas -- Productivity Expert
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
List of 9 Things to Do Before Your Spouse Gets Sick Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Monday Motivator: Progress or Perfection? Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
Jeep Show - An intriguing story from WW II Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker
More on the Importance of Importance… Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
Monday Motivator on the Most Important Thing in Life… Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
It's Oscar Time Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker
Dementia Human Rights and Choices Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Just START! From Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
Boomer Cures for the Winter Doldrums Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker
Expanding on Yogi’s Profound Wisdom… Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert

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