About: College Admissions Consultant: Colleges, Graduate Programs, Business, Law Schools and Medical Schools, Educational Planning and Career Strategies. He is an Admissions Commentator/Expert Witness: Applicant Pool Generation, Recruiting Strategies, Interview Process, Socioeconomic Diversity, Evaluation of Applicants, College Rankings. As one of the foremost education consultants in the U.S., Steve Goodman lectures about the college admissions process and privately consults with applicants to selective colleges and universities, graduate programs and professional schools. His book, College Admissions Together: It Takes a Family, shares Mr. Goodman's 20 years' professional experience with family dynamics that can stand in the way of successful college placements.
We Help You Get IN! -- Pam Rambo helps high school and college students determine the right major for their interests and skill sets, pinpoints the colleges that will best meet their needs and ide...
About: Patrick Byrne, an alumnus of Dartmouth College, Stanford University, and Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar, is a seasoned entrepreneur and visionary. Mentored by Warren Buffett, Byrne's diverse ventures span real estate to blockchain, and he boasts 20 years as an E-Commerce pioneer at Overstock.com. Recognized as the 'National Entrepreneur of the Year' (2011) and with his firm honored as 'One of America's Most Trusted Firms' by Forbes, Byrne's journey also includes a legendary battle against Wall Street manipulators preceding the 2008 Financial Crisis. Beyond his business achievements, Byrne unveils a second life intertwined with the United States Government.
About: Thinking about Graduate Study? You've come to the right place! Road Map is first book on the entire Graduate School experience. From doing research to find the right program, to navigating the application process, to succeeding once enrolled, it's all here in this succinct yet comprehensive resource. Dr. Don Martin, author of Road Map, is a graduate enrollment expert. He spent 28 years as Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, and Dean of Students at Columbia University, The University of Chicago and Northwestern University. Follow Dr. Don's weekly blog on US News and World Report Magazine and on the GRE Facebook page.
About: Litwin has been interested in the JFK assassination since he was young, and his latest book is the result of his incessant research into the topic, which debunks conspiracy theorists and proves there was only one gunman: Lee Harvey Oswald. Litwin is a marketing professional, who worked for Intel Corporation, and organized the launch of the Pentium II in Asia. In 2000, he founded NorthenBlues Music, a cutting edge blues label. The company has released over 70 CDs, and has garnered 12 Juno Awards and over 40 Blues Music Award nominations. In 2007, Litwin started the Free Thinking Film Society to showcase films on liberty, freedom and democracy. The Society has now shown over 100 films and also organizes book launches and panel discussions.
About: Sheikha Maryam Kabeer was guided on the spiritual journey throughout her life. Born in a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood, she was guided to abide in spiritual centers around the world and to embrace Islam with an ancient Sheikh near the mazar of the Prophet Abraham (a.s) in 1975. She was then guided to Sheikh Bawa Muhaiyadeen (ra) with whom she studied intensively in Philadelphia and Sri Lan...
About: New York-based infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs which documents practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs usually overlooked. Ruth's book, Will He Cheat on You? shows women how to determine if their husband or boyfriend is a potential cheater. An internationally-rec...
About: Kenneth James Moore was born in 1949 in Tacoma, Washington. He graduated from Arizona State University and continued his education as a graduate student at Georgetown University. Political science and international relations were his calling. Mentored by a former professor who was a Cold War counter-intelligence officer, Ken spent a year long stint as a volunteer alongside Admiral Bobby Inman, the Director of the National Security Agency during its reconstruction phase. Ken and his wife Patricia moved to Southern California, where Ken worked at Beverly Hills Securities as a commercial loan officer. He quickly moved to the investment banking side of the house and was able to retire at 45. In 1994, Ken was the victim of a horrific automobile accident. Rehabilitation consumed every moment ...
About: Mark Lazar was raised in a blue-collar family living below the poverty line, and experienced first-hand the struggles and pressures faced by many families in the United States. Rather than discouraging him, these hardships motivated and gave him ambition, fortitude, and a good work ethic. He began working at age twelve and became a millionaire before age 40. Today, Mark’s passion is helping others become financially independent and prosperous, sharing common-sense principles, values, and strategies that lead to financial success. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, wealth advisor, and Senior Vice President of Investment for Raymond James Advisors. Along with more than twenty-five years in the investment industry, he was an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business from 2002-2017. Mark holds a BS in finance from the University of Utah, and an MBA from the University of Colorado.
About: Martin Lowy, a veteran banker, attorney and entrepreneur, is unabashedly pro-American. But he also believes that global trade is a win-win system for all nations, even though some Americans need help in order to cope with global competition, and that people who live elsewhere deserve our respect—and even assistance when warranted. Lowy uses both his indefatigable research on new developments and his 50 years of experience investigating frauds, advising boards of directors, negotiating contracts and managing companies to bring his readers a unique blend that makes his writing relevant and timely, yet timeless. His first book, High Rollers (a history of the savings and loan debacle), was a New York Times Notable Book of 1991 and was cited by the Supreme Court as an authority on the subjec...
About: Thomas H. Greco, Jr. is a preeminent scholar, author, educator, and community economist, who, for more than 40 years, has been working at the leading edge of transformational restructuring. He is widely regarded as a leading authority on moneyless exchange systems, community currencies, financial innovation, and community economic development, and is a sought after speaker internationally. He has traveled widely in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas, lecturing, teaching, and advising.
About: CECON sources industry's best Business, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Consultants quickly, credibly and economically to address your technical or business need. Project Managers who are technically trained conduct a custom search and leverage the CECON proprietary network of consultants to locate, vet with Clients, and recommend technical experts for your consideration. We highly value rapid response, quick turnaround, and all efforts to shorten business and project timetables.
About: Johnny Blue Star is the CEO and Founder of New Galaxy Enterprises. It has several divisions that can be found on the navigation bar of www.newgalaxyenterprises.com Business - the business content development division of New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc. New Galaxy Business offers clients professional business services to build websites, social network profiles, press releases, blogs and articles etc. It also offers creative media assistance with non-fiction books, novels, screenplays, television pilots, etc. Johnny's work encompasses client-based, collaborative and proprietary projects. Thes broadcasting site (www.newgalaxybroadcasting.com), encompassszholistic health, spirituality, transformation various podcasts, encompassing business development, holistic health; manifestation and spirituality and other topics central to developing a lifestyle and perspective suitable to today's challenges.