About: College Admissions Consultant: Colleges, Graduate Programs, Business, Law Schools and Medical Schools, Educational Planning and Career Strategies. He is an Admissions Commentator/Expert Witness: Applicant Pool Generation, Recruiting Strategies, Interview Process, Socioeconomic Diversity, Evaluation of Applicants, College Rankings. As one of the foremost education consultants in the U.S., Steve Goodman lectures about the college admissions process and privately consults with applicants to selective colleges and universities, graduate programs and professional schools. His book, College Admissions Together: It Takes a Family, shares Mr. Goodman's 20 years' professional experience with family dynamics that can stand in the way of successful college placements.
About: As a historical commentator, William S. Bike, senior vice president of public relations, communications consulting firm Central Park Communications, uses his encyclopedic knowledge of history to add an unusual depth to discussions of current events. Bike has made frequent radio and television appearances and literally wrote the book on campaigning: Winning Political Campaigns, a how-to handbook on running for office. Reviews of Political Books (http://www.ficoa.biz/reviews_of_political_books.htm) said, 'from a practical political standpoint, it is the best book out--yet.'
About: Price-CO Law is a boutique, concierge service firm, providing strategic legal advice. Its founding partner, Benjamin J. Cohen, draws on his expert knowledge of real estate, banking, and the distressed asset market, specializing in complex business transactions and commercial litigation. As an attorney, Mr. Cohen has successfully negotiated on behalf of his client's interests to protect millions...
About: Patriots of Treason an action-packed, fast-moving novel addressing the most current challenges facing America today has grabbed the attention of radio show hosts as well as readers and earned critical acclaim from the nation?s top reviewers. Patriots of Treason (ISBN 978-1-936688-36-4, 2012, AKA Publishing, 300 pages, http://www.patriotsoftreason.com Paperback $16.32, Kindle $7.99 and Hardcover $23.69) by David Thomas Roberts is a novel filled with political intrigue, heroes, scumbags, and amazing characters that addresses over-extension of anti-terrorism measures, trampling on the rights of a citizens group, burgeoning federal power, states? rights and Texas secession. Says Roberts, 'If we spend billions of dollars in blood and treasure to bring democracy to communist countries and nations led by tyrannical despots why would we ever have a problem with one state wanting to be more independent?'
About: Since its founding in 2000, BizBash Media has become the event industry's leading source for inspiration, smart marketing strategies, and useful tools, helping to revolutionize the ways event professionals get ideas and connect with each other. BizBash serves six major markets in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, Florida, and Washington, D.C. The BizBash National Venue Guide covers an additional 16 markets. BizBash also hosts event planner expos in New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.