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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
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About: Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing and book marketing expert advising and guiding writers and authors on how to take their words and create and publish a book. Known as The Book Shepherd, she brings the author's concept and vision to life; guides it through the publishing process, and strategizes the launch and book marketing. She understands the overwhelm that authors go through and has personally shepherded and coached over 1500 authors through the process of the manuscript to published book with practical publishing advice and guidance. Judith creates a book marketing strategy to support the book when published.
Patricia Fripp - Persuasive Presentation Expert
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About: Patricia Fripp a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, an executive speech coach, and sales presentation skills trainer. Kiplinger's Personal Finance wrote that one of the best investments in your career is Patricia Fripp's presentation skills training. Patricia simplifies and demystifies the process of preparing and presenting powerful, persuasive presentations. As a keynote speaker Patricia was named 'One of the 10 most electrifying speakers in North America' by Meetings and Conventions magazine. Patricia is now virtually everywhere with Patricia's highly-interactive, learn-at-your-own speed, web based sales and presentation skills training. Managers love the testing, tracking and monitoring. FrippVT teaches you and your team all aspect of presentations easily, conveniently and quickly. 'For 20 years I have hired Patricia Fripp to train and coach sales teams with amazing success. FrippVT, in combination with in-person training and coaching, is an unbeatable combination.' -- Greg Stivers, Vice President, Client Development.
Larry Tracy -- Former Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
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About: Some people are born leaders, blessed with the innate abilitiy to motivate, inspire and lead. The rest of us require a system to achieve those same goals through the spoken word. That's what you'll find in this book-the proven S3P3 System that resulted in President Ronald Reagan describing Larry Tracy as 'An extraordinarily effective speaker.' He's a retired U.S. Army colonel, with many of his assignments focused on speaking and briefing. In one, he was the Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The book cover says the S3P3 System is 'proven.' How can such a claim be made? Because if he was ineffective in that and other high-level assignments, he would have been fired. The S3P3 System worked for him, and it will work for you.
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
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About: Renowned board certified health and personal development coach Peggy Sealfon is captivating audiences globally with her expertise in health, lifestyle coaching, and breakthrough strategies. Sealfon's methods for reducing anxiety, stress, trauma, and fears are not only effective but life-changing. By skillfully merging ancient wisdom with modern science, she presents a truly distinctive approach to enhancing mental wellness and physical well-being. Notably, Sealfon's groundbreaking Mind Body Fitness For Life programs, wellness products, and acclaimed books have earned her significant recognition. She's now taking her influence to new heights by also harnessing cutting-edge technology to activate stem cells and reverse aging. Sealfon's work is clearly transformative.
Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
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About: Your TED Talk Coach, and a former writer for the Tonight Show for 20 years, speaker and comedian for 34, with 8 TEDx Talks on Mental Health. Depression and suicide run in his family. He's thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He's fought a lifetime battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality. A Motivational Public Speaker who uses his life lessons to start the conversation giving people permission to give voice to their feelings and experiences surrounding depression and suicide. And doing it by coming out, as it were, and standing in his truth, and doing it with humor. He believes that where there is humor there is hope, where there is laughter there is life, nobody dies laughing. The right person, at the right time with the right information, can save a life.
Albert Goldson
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About: Albert Goldson is CEO of the Cerulean Council, a NYC-based think-tank that provides contrarian perspectives with counter-intuitive solutions. He regularly provides prescient, over-the-horizon geopolitical and urban risk assessments and investment strategies. Mr. Goldson’s memberships in a wide-spectrum of professional organizations gives him access to influencers and policy-makers at the highest levels. Furthermore Mr. Goldson is a contributing writer, is quoted widely in the international media, and is a regular guest expert panelist on podcasts and TV.
Call for Speakers -- @SpeakerLeads -- Future Events Seeking Speakers
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About: @SpeakerLeads -- A private Twitter feed for ExpertClick members -- One of the most comprehensive speakers clearing house websites is the International Platform Association (PLATFORM®), which was founded in 1831 by Daniel Webster and is run in partnership with Utilizing information and resources from all the top speaker bureaus, PLATFORM has multi-tiered membership programs, free and paid, and offers a wide variety of benefits.
Ruth W. Crocker -- Writing and Remembrance
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About: Ruth is an award-winning writer and workshop facilitator. She offers workshops and speaking events on memoir, writing for healing, and the publishing process. She has lectured nationally about recovery from trauma and grief using creative processes. She received an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Bennington College, a PhD in Nutrition and Human Development from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Education from Tufts University. Her essays have been listed in Best American Essays and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is the author of Those Who Remain: Remembrance and Reunion After War, a memoir about the experience of losing her husband in Vietnam, and People of Yellowstone, photos and biographies of people who live, work and play in Yellowstone National Park.
San Francisco Writers Conference
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About: The San Francisco Writers Conference, one of the finest writers' events in the country, helps writers become published authors and teaches them how to build successful writing careers. Presenters at the event include bestselling authors, literary agents, and respected editors from top publishing houses. With 100+ presenters to 350 attendees, there is optimum interaction with industry professionals in an information-packed weekend. Individual PRE/POST Classes, too! The SFWC is held over President?s Day weekend at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. A second event, the San Francisco Writing for Change Conference is held annually in the fall. SFWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Dustin Mathews --
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About: Dustin Mathews is the Co-Founder and Chief Education Officer of - an online learning startup focused on teaching all the stuff you never learned in school about money, investing, & entrepreneurship. He's also the host of the Get WealthFit! podcast, where he's had the chance to 'get inside the heads' of top investors & entrepreneurs like 'Rich Dad' Robert Kiyosaki, Racing Legend Da... -- Find Your Stages Though SpeakerTunity
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About: The exclusive, inside scoop and direct contacts for booking your own speaking opportunities on all platforms—or guiding a member of your team. SpeakerTunity®, The Speaker & Leader Resource Company, provides programs, tip sheets and regional directories that get changemakers booked on stages, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events North America and virtual networking. SpeakerTunity® also offers a speaker-one sheet graphic design service, a turnkey Success Booking System, and online courses on how to get booked, with more resources on the way. An ever-expanding hub of speaker leads and tools to ensure your visibility. Go to Visit for Regional Speaker Lead Directories with up to 1800 speaker leads per market. 60 markets available in U.S.and Canada.
Holland Cooke -- Talk Radio Expert
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About: ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
Albert Goldson
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Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Calling all Authors who want author success! Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Shine as an expert Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Should Authors Enter Book Awards Ever? Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Do you want your books featured in catalog to bookstores and libraries? Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
The Looming Specter of Kent State Albert Goldson
Mastering the Art of Book Festivals and Crafts Fairs Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Discover Judith Briles Books New Website Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Passion … It’s the Core Factor in the Author’s Belly Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Meet Kathleen O’Neal Gear at Author Hour Happy Talk Wednesday Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
6 Steps to Authorpreneur Success Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd

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