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Passion is Contagious – What is Your Passion?
Gloria Starr -- Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Image Gloria Starr -- Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Image
Palm Beach, FL
Monday, February 16, 2015

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I was raised in a family where image, style and dressing up did not matter. My Father was a builder. He taught me how to shingle a roof, put up drywall and insulate a room.  My Mother was a professional photographer with National Geographic. Fashion to my Mother was knee high, water proof boots, camouflage clothing and lots of mosquito repellant. A vacation was camping and a cook-out. I was raised to be practical, focus on substance and not draw attention to myself.

When I started my image and etiquette business 30 years ago, I had passion. I had just attended an image improvement, etiquette and manners training and I was fired up. Excited because I discovered how to dress and accessorize my clothing to look my best. I also learned business and social graces and how to dine like a diplomat. WOW, I was no longer average. I was about to become amazing!

I became confident in my new-found knowledge. I wanted to share and teach others to look and feel their best and increase their confidence as they perfected their etiquette, manners and communication skills.

What a learning curve, country girl to savvy, sophisticated, elegant business woman of substance. I loved my new life.

Fast forward to my current glamorous, globe-trotting lifestyle that includes business class travel, staying in five star hotel suites, giving seminars to passengers on cruise ships and being picked up at the airport in a limo. Some of my most treasured highlights in my career as an image, etiquette and communication coach have been hiking the Great Wall of China compliments of Princess Cruise Lines, a helicopter ride, coaching at the Pentagon, riding an elephant in Asia, being picked up in a Rolls Royce by the staff of the Saudi Royal Family and meeting new friends all over the world. I was a small town girl with a world class dream and I was living the dream!

Are you living your dream life? Is it time to reinvent yourself and find a new passion? Yes, passion is contagious and is the magnetic force to growing a consulting business. Have you got what it takes?

Upcoming Training Opportunities for a Few Select and Truly Committed People

Executive Presence - Image, Etiquette and Communication Certification Training
Charlotte, North Carolina and Dubai
Enquire about upcoming traininf dates. Email Lady Gloria Starr for a rapid response expert@gloriastarr.com

Five and ten day training programs to jump-start your new business. Hands-on learning and includes educational DVDs, MP3s, webinars, e-books with streaming videos, PLUS attendance at the Modern Day Finishing School weekend event as my guest when you register for the ten days of Image and Etiquette training.. Added Value: $3850. Details at

Can't Attend the Certification Training in Person?
Online Distance Learning / Train-the-Trainer Programs
Image / Etiquette Certification Training

Image / Style www.gloriastarr.com/color-style-ultimate-system
Etiquette / Manners www.gloriastarr.com/etiquette-manners-ultimate-system

Gloria Starr – Corporate Trainer – Professional Speaker – Executive Coach is available to speak at your in-house meetings, conventions and executive retreats –world-wide. Your personal referral to friends and colleagues is appreciated.

Gloria Starr - Global Leader Image, Etiquette, Communications
Video Credentials http://youtu.be/iRwQBDX3oZ4
Business Management Consultant
Ranked in the Top 5% of Consultants by the United States of America
Author of 12 books, DVDs and MP3s
Master NLP Practitioner, Certified DiSC Personality and Behavioural Expert
Private Counsel to Royalty in the Middle and Far East
Advisor to Presidents of Companies and Countries, Foreign Dignitaries and Diplomats
Recipient of the Communication Guru Award of Excellence
Rated Excellent by the Society for the Advancement of Consulting
Building Bridges Between People, Customs, Cultures and Countries
Empowering People since 1983

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gloria Starr
Title: Global Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Communication Coach
Dateline: Naples, FL United States
Direct Phone: 949-209-8802
Cell Phone: 561-310-3414
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