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Deborah King Appears on Fox 5 News - San Diego
Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher
Malibu, CA
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deborah King, Health & Wellness Expert and National Best-Selling Author of 'Truth Heals', appeared on Fox 5 Morning News in San Diego on Wednesday morning from 6am until 7am. King is not just an author and recognized expert in the health and wellness field; she is also a lecturer, and contemporary healer. She has been a frequent guest on CNN and Fox News, as well as other national media outlets. As a successful entrepreneur and corporate attorney, King fell into the trap of suppressing a traumatic past, which then manifested as chronic emotional and physical illness and addiction. Ultimately, her condition forced her to face her own truth. She investigated ancient and modern healing systems, and developed a powerful technique of her own. Today, she guides thousands to health through her public events, workshops, and writings.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Deborah King
Group: Deborah King Center
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: (800) 790-5785
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