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Aging Gracefully With Defiance Reviews: Norma Roth Advice Book a Hit as She Launches New Website
Norma Roth -- Aging Gracefully With Dignity and Spunk Intact Norma Roth -- Aging Gracefully With Dignity and Spunk Intact
Hollywood, CA
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Norma Roth, author of Aging Gracefully with Dignity, Integrity & Spunk Intact: Aging Defiantly, a number of poetry books, has been getting terrific reviews for her advice book that gives seasoned citizens hope and those approaching a bit of comfort. Norma Roth brings a sense of humor and solid tips for keeping yourself "in the game of life" all the way to 110 years old.

Her new website, www.normarothbooks.com, has a radio interview that starts up immediately on the home page and contains poetry, excerpts, reviews and other features. 

Here are three good reviews of her book, Aging Gracefully with Dignity, Integrity & Spunk Intact: Aging Defiantly: A great reminder for those in the "aging" category


Reviewed by Irene Watson for Reader Views

The title of this book attracted me because I'm in the "aging" group and always wanting to find ways to be graceful in it. Needless to say, I did find Norma Roth's book Aging Gracefully a pleasant read. Although she doesn't say anything new or anything that hasn't been written about already, she does give encouraging words to steer us in the right direction.

Many of us, as we age, joke about memory loss and loss of train-of-thought. However, this isn't a joking matter - it really does happen and we often feel embarrassed or upset with ourselves. Roth acknowledges this in her book and gives us tips on what to do when it happens. It was a refreshing reminder to read her tips and I hope to remember to use them when the situation arises.

I commend Roth on providing this book for a never-ending group of people entering the aging cycle. We need encouragement and direction on the way and "Aging Gracefully" does provide it. If you are afraid of aging, don't be because it's really not that bad. Using various tips in this book will give you confidence and poise throughout the process.


A "Must Read," Entertaining and Informative Book on Aging Betty Tucker


As I read Aging Gracefully With Dignity, Integrity & Spunk Intact: Aging Defiantly by Norma Roth, I soon found myself reading the words as her cheerleader. More! I wanted to read more about the subject! The information she presents is a result of research, personal experiences, and the desire to help debunk many myths about aging that she considers to be "hogwash." She refers to the aging population as the "Silver Generation," encouraging them to take charge of their lives by refusing to be controlled by exaggerated fears and negative thinking. Ms. Roth discusses how "that" generation can live productive, fulfilling lives into their seventies, eighties, and nineties. After all, they have a vast amount of knowledge, experience and expertise to draw from--a storage retrieval system. Her writing is full of wit and wisdom and describes "the art and not the agony of growing older."

Although I am a member of the Silver Generation, when I burn food that I am preparing, forget where I place an item, or ask myself why I've gone into a room to get an article, it is my opinion that, with aging, I am simply paying more attention to my own behavioral patterns, fearing that others may think I'm "losing it." But, if seniors think about it, most will admit that they did the same things in their earlier years--perhaps not as often but, nevertheless, they did them.

The author reinforces this concept, telling our generation not to panic; she provides some simple suggestions to avoid such distractions and occurrences. As far as absentmindedness, she turns a negative into a positive, citing Albert Einstein as an absentminded genius. Instead of being absentminded, she explains that our minds are full of things we have learned and not on matters of the moment. Rather than planning for when we are put out to pasture, we need to plan for life! One way to do that is to test the concept of a storage retrieval system.

The second part of the book discusses how to unleash this Personal Retrieval System by going on a treasure hunt within one's self. The journey will take readers down familiar paths as they access and retrieve stored information that can be utilized to live fuller and more productive lives. The author offers the Silver Generation some basic rules for success in harnessing the power of the brain to access this information. As I continued to read, I began thinking about the piano lessons that I had taken as a young child. My sister, who also took lessons, became quite a musician; however, I quit after only a year. It was a decision I regretted in adulthood; therefore, a few days ago, I purchased some lesson books from our local music store and began practicing again.

Little by little, what I learned as a child is coming back to me, and I now plan to build on that foundation. The author, obviously much more talented in this area than me, tells a similar story; this is what gave me the courage to try again. If you think it is impossible to learn something new, Norma Roth says that such thinking is hogwash. (I love how she uses that word throughout her book.) Science suggests new brain cells might just be available for new learning. As we age, we must "use it or lose it." There are endless opportunities for the Silver Generation when members choose to empower themselves. Admittedly there may be physical challenges along the way, so it is very important not to cheat on nutrition, vitamins, or sleep.

Do you want to know how to deal with the "word supplier" and the "word corrector"? What about the finisher of sentences, or looks given that are meant to embarrass you? How do you handle a disrupter? The author addresses these situations and gives examples of appropriate responses to those who might try to intimidate you. Yesterday, I used one of those responses and found it very effective.

I cannot stress how important I think this book is to society as a whole. It is easy to understand and well written with some repetition for emphasis. Even those who are not presently part of the Silver Generation will, barring unfortunate circumstances, continue to age. This book will help prepare them for a long and fulfilling life. I give Aging Gracefully my highest recommendation and consider it a "must read."

An Independent Professional Reviewer.


A fine read that will inspire and motivate many a person entering the later half of their life Aging doesn't mean you have to be a forgetful and useless senior. "Aging Gracefully, Aging Defiantly: With Dignity, Integrity, & Spunk Intact" is a guide for elders who want to age independently as productive members of society regardless of what one's friends and family may try to force on them. Humorous and insightful, "Aging Gracefully, Aging Defiantly" is a fine read that will inspire and motivate many a person entering the later half of their life.

Guide for Losing Your Mind.

Reviewed by Enid Grabiner


Rebecca Reads Review

Age 55 has come and brain power has left! Where did I leave my keys? Is the garage door closed? Did I leave the oven on? Meet my friend, whatshisname. These are common enough events for all of us growing into maturity, or what is better known as the "Silver Generation". It is the time in one's life when conversation revolves around issues of aging, the most frightening being problems of word and memory retrieval. Fear of dementia and failing health are a constant plague. Attitudes toward growing old have to be revisited and changed.

Norma Roth suggests that fear of aging and the panic that accompanies it should be met head on, first with recognition and then with a plan of attack. In the first half of the book she addresses with anecdotal humor, the occurrence of common worrisome situations, and then offers plans of attack. She encourages seniors to relook at their lives and acknowledge strengths and weaknesses. An honest self-appraisal is the first step in dealing with anxieties and handling the obstacles.

In Part 11 Roth offers a detailed list of techniques offering this generation simple useful skills to use in aging boldly yet gracefully. She urges them to accept the weaknesses that age brings and deal with them. She offers skills to be learned to retrieve memories and language through a relearning process. Best of all, she teaches that self-respect is an important tool in maintaining a good image. The author encourages self-recognition of a lifetime of experience which can invaluable in their empowerment.

This self-help book acts as a pep rally for the Silver Generation. It is a bit repetitive but none the less offers positive advice.


For more info about Norma Roth go to www.normarothbooks.com

For media interviews contact Promotion in Motion at 323-461-3921 or brad@promotioninmotion.net


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