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Insurance Firm Educates Public About Elder Financial Abuse
Stephen D. Forman, The Voice of Long-Term Care Stephen D. Forman, The Voice of Long-Term Care
Seattle, WA
Monday, July 8, 2013

Long Term Care Associates, Inc.
BELLEVUE, WASH., JULY 8, 2013—Long Term Care Associates, Inc. ("LTCA") has chosen to spotlight Elder Financial Abuse during the month of July at its consumer resource center, LTCLearning.com. The impact of abuse, neglect and exploitation is estimated to add $5.3 Billion in direct costs to our nation's healthcare bill, and another $2.9 Billion in losses through financial exploitation.

Commented LTCA's senior vice president, Stephen D. Forman, "Those of us in the long-term care insurance field work with the elderly on a daily basis. LTCA is proud to take a leadership role in our industry by helping to call attention to the staggering depth of this problem by using our resources for the public good."

Forman continued, "Since 2013 is the Year of Elder Financial Abuse, there's been no shortage of informative and reliable tools at our disposal. We really hope to make a difference by spreading July's content far and wide."

Visitors to LTCA's site will learn the following:

  • Warning Signs of Elder Abuse
  • 10 Things Anyone Can Do to Protect Seniors
  • 8 Common Scenarios and What You Can Do to Help
  • Smart Tips for Spotting Retirement Scams
  • Study: Why are the Elderly so Often Vulnerable?
LTCLearning.com was established as an educational site for the multitude of credit unions, alumni associations, and professional societies whose members rely on LTCA as their exclusive provider of long-term care insurance solutions. As part of LTCA's pioneering "Education Through Social Media" platform, members who browse Twitter or Facebook will find content at the site which is curated, timely, and valuable.


About LTCA:

With roots dating back to 1972, Long Term Care Associates, Inc. (LTCA) has now entered its 5th decade focused exclusively in the LTC Insurance marketplace. Headquarted in Bellevue, Wash., the company is proud to serve over 5 Million members of sponsoring organizations, and count the claim payments to its clientele in the Tens of Millions of dollars. LTCA's "Education Through Social Media" campaign can be followed on the following platforms: www.facebook.com/ltcassociates , www.youtube.com/ltcassociates , and www.twitter.com/ltcassociates.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Stephen D. Forman, CLTC
Title: Senior Vice-President
Group: Long Term Care Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Bellevue, WA United States
Direct Phone: 425-462-9500
Main Phone: 800-742-9444
Cell Phone: 206-972-1777
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