Home > NewsRelease > Doris J. Rapp, MD, World Renowned Pediatric Allergist Joins the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation.
Doris J. Rapp, MD, World Renowned Pediatric Allergist Joins the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation.
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Las Vegas, NV
Friday, July 26, 2013

The National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation (NTEF) is pleased to announce that Dr. Rapp is joining the foundation as the pediatric allergist consultant.

Dr. Rapp has been the recipient of many awards, some of them include:

Distinguished Alumni Award, June 1985 State University of New York at Buffalo Alumni Association – for being distinguished both nationally and internationally in the eyes of your peers, and being recognized for her outstanding contributions to medicine.

Safe Harbor, Humanitarian Award, in October 2004 for outstanding contributions to humanity by forwarding the use of newer, better and more truly safe and effective mental health treatments.

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, Humanitarian Award, October 2002 for outstanding contributions in particular in helping children with environmental illness. The award was received along with two other recipients, the Nobel Prize winner John Nash and President Ford's wife, Betty Ford.

Princeton Bio Center, New Jersey, in 1995 she and the Nobel Prize Winner, Linus Pauling (in absentia) were given awards. Her award was for her outstanding contributions in Environmental Medicine. [1]

Dr. Rapp has dedicated her life to finding and promoting healthier, safer lifestyles for allergic children and their families. "To become well, I urge the recognition or detection of the cause, followed by as much avoidance as possible of all the known offending allergens. If avoidance is not sufficiently successful, I recommend Provocation/ Neutralization therapy. This form of diagnosis and treatment enables most patients to be exposed to the vast majority of their previously offending allergens without developing symptoms." –Doris J. Rapp, M.D.

The immense role of diverse environmental factors on human heath continues to be unrecognized and unsuspected, even though newer, more effective forms of diagnosis and therapy have been available for over 35 years. She has repeatedly provided unequivocal evidence that one drop of dust, molds, pollen, foods and chemicals can cause illness in almost any part of the human body.

The "provoked" symptoms can be effectively eliminated using Provocation/Neutralization in a few minutes. This "neutralization" treatment can be safely self-administered, either by injection or under the tongue (sublingually).

In addition, she has long term follow up information (usually over 15 years) confirming the efficacy of Provocation/ Neutralization therapy. Once patients receive this treatment, most can be exposed to their personal previously offending allergens without developing symptoms.

She has documented her claims and observations with thousands of videos. In a few minutes, a patient's symptoms can be reproduced and in another few minutes, these symptoms can be effectively eliminated using Provocation/Neutralization therapy.

She has discussed her findings in numerous books, on audio cassettes, on videos, in scientific articles and in medical abstracts. Especially in children, there is increasingly abundant proof confirming the many harmful effects of environmental toxins. [2]

"I wish to take this opportunity to welcome and thank Dr. Rapp for joining the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation. Your efforts and dedication to the health and welfare of children and adults has been recognized by the medical and scientific communities for decades. Our exposure to a vast variety of toxins in our air, water and foods can cause harm to humans and animals. This can begin in the fetal period and it can extend through adulthood. The developing nervous system is particularly vulnerable, especially because we know that the average fetus is exposed to 278 toxic chemicals during the nine months prior to birth.

The NTEF's Board and I are grateful and look forward to working with you in this joint effort to bring the truth to the people." -Jack D. Thrasher, Ph.D., Toxicologist/Immuno-toxicologist/Fetal-toxicologist, Technical Director.

"I am elated that Dr. Rapp has determined that the mission of the NTEF is worthy of her association. I am honored by this association and also being able to call her my friend." Angel De Fazio, BSAT, President.

For more information on this pioneer in pediatric allergies, see DrRapp.Com.

[1] http://www.drrapp.com/bio/

[2] http://www.drrapp.com/books-dvds-air-purifiers/

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Angel De Fazio, BSAT, BCNHP
Title: President
Group: NTEF
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702.490.9677
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