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A Guide for Time-Crunched Executives to Make Strategic Decisions
Mentors Guild --  Iqbal Ashraf, CEO Mentors Guild -- Iqbal Ashraf, CEO
Chicago, IL
Friday, March 27, 2015

Stephen Garchow

Strategy expert Steve Garchow Launches a New Guide to Help Time-Crunched Executives Make High-Quality Strategic Decisions More Efficiently.

CHICAGO, March 27, 2015 -- Strategy consultant and author Steve Garchow discusses a new approach for strategic decision-making in his newly released book, "Heads or Tails? Strategy Requires More Than A Coin Flip." Garchow's new process, named the Lean Strategic Decision Model, is designed to help leaders make effective strategic decisions more efficiently. LSDM was founded on the time-tested principles of Lean Manufacturing: eliminating waste, examining business activity differently, and creating value with less effort.

As Garchow explains, "To be successful, companies must effectively prioritize their near-term business goals with addressing longer-term strategic issues. Executives understand that strategic issues can be devastating if disregarded, but there is a perception that their solution requires considerable time and resources. The daunting prospect of assembling a multidisciplinary team of experts from the myriad business functions required for a comprehensive analysis often leads executives to deprioritize strategic decision-making. This does not need to be the case. With the right tools, long-term issues can be addressed without hampering a company's success in today's fast-paced business environment."

Organizational behavior research shows that in the absence of a defined decision process, the majority of executives take one of two suboptimal approaches. Either they revert to past experience and make a "gut call," or they spend an inordinate amount of time overanalyzing the situation. Garchow states, "LSDM is a simple process that helps leadership teams efficiently drive a solution to their strategic issue. This process helps executives frame the strategic issue, develop effective solutions, identify the key factors required to evaluate the issue, and follow a system to select the best strategic course."

You can learn more about the LSDM by visiting http://leansdm.com.

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Name: Iqbal Ashraf
Title: CEO
Group: Mentors Guild
Dateline: Honolulu, HI United States
Direct Phone: 808-729-5850
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