Home > NewsRelease > Richard Tyler’s Sales Immersion Program Receives Comments From Kevin Doffing President and CEO of Sam’s Safety Equipment
Richard Tyler’s Sales Immersion Program Receives Comments From Kevin Doffing President and CEO of Sam’s Safety Equipment
Richard Tyler - 'The World's Top Sales and Management Expert' Richard Tyler - 'The World's Top Sales and Management Expert'
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Houston, TX
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


P R E S S  R E L E A S E

Houston, Texas – Kevin Doffing, President and CEO of Sam’s Safety Equipment Comments on Richard Tyler’s Sales Immersion? Program
Sales Training
I had the opportunity to attend a week long  Sales Immersion? class. Why is called an immersion class, one may ask? Well it was 12-14 hours a day for six days in a classroom learning how to sell professionally. The class was taught by Richard Tyler International, and was a huge step up as we grow and want to maintain a high level of customer service with that growth.
Everyone hears selling and slumps. I know, I know, I feel the same way when a vendor walks into my showroom or office and starts to tell me about the latest and greatest product, without knowing that I don?t want or need it.
So here?s what I liked about this class, it focused on analyzing the wants and needs of the customer. We?ve always tried to focus on finding customers the best product for their jobs here at Sam’s Safety. In my experience that limits returns, phone calls later on and in general makes you like us and want to do business with us again.
Satisfied Customers = Return Customers
I?ll admit it, I?m lazy. I don?t want to chase people down and knock them over the head and drag them into my store. I don’t make a good caveman.
I just want to help people, and it?s been easier in the long haul to do the right thing for our customers the first time. That?s what I expect out of my staff and that’s what I want for you. If you don?t feel that way, please let me know.

none; text-autospace: none;">View Sam’s Safety Equipment August Newsletter online.
Kevin Doffing President and CEO of Sam's Safety Equipment Comments on Richard Tyler's Sales Immersion Program
Kevin Doffing
Sam’s Safety Equipment
**Richard Tyler’s Commitment to Excellence® Sales Immersion? Program was held on the University of Houston Campus at the University of Houston Hilton Hotel and Conference Center.  Individuals from the United States, Canada and Mexico were participants in the six day course. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® was recognized as the top Management Consultancy in Texas in 2013. In 2014 Richard Tyler International, Inc.® was recognized as the Top Sales Training and Management Consulting firm in the United States.

About Richard Tyler International, Inc.®
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Richard Tyler International, Inc.® is one of the world?s top Sales Training and Management Consulting firms. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® educates clients of all industries and sizes on the five Fundamentals of Business: Sales, Management, Customer Service, Leadership, and Quality Improvement. With its vast resources of consultants, Richard Tyler International, Inc.® provides companies the necessary expertise to grow their businesses profitably. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® conducts Seminars and Keynotes throughout the world to allow all types of organizations to experience Richard Tyler?s philosophies on business and success. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® offers ?Two world class training programs from one world class training company?? ? The Richard Tyler International, Inc.® ?Commitment to Excellence?® Sales Immersion? Program is the ?Best Sales Training Program in the World?? and the Richard Tyler International, Inc.® ?Commitment to Excellence?® Leadership Mastery? Program is the ?Best Leadership and Management Training Program in the World??.  Richard Tyler International, Inc.® was recognized as the top Management Consultancy in Texas in 2013.  Acquisition International Magazine has recently named Richard Tyler International® the ?Sales Training and Management Consulting Firm of the Year? for the entire United States. Acquisition International (AI) magazine announced this in its annual M&A Awards in July 2014. AI?s M&A Awards is regarded as one of the most important and highly respected awards programs in the business world. For more information about Richard Tyler International, Inc.® or Richard Tyler please contact us at www.RichardTylerInternational.com 
About Richard Tyler 
Richard Tyler w/ Flag Background Promo Picture (768 x 960)
Richard Tyler is ?America?s Corporate and Entrepreneurial Business Expert.?? Richard Tyler is President and CEO of Richard Tyler International, Inc.® as well as a diversified family of successful companies and services. Richard Tyler is a highly acclaimed Speaker, Author and Management Consultant. To many organizations and individuals, Richard Tyler is ?the world?s top sales trainer.?? Richard Tyler has earned a worldwide reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.
As Richard says, Remember, ?Your success tomorrow is in direct proportion to your ?Commitment to Excellence®? today.??
For more information about Richard Tyler please visit: About Richard Tyler 
Richard Tyler International, Inc.®  and  ?Commitment to Excellence®? are registered trademark of Richard Tyler.  All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2014 Richard Tyler.  All rights reserved.  
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Name: Richard Tyler
Title: CEO
Group: Richard Tyler International, Inc
Dateline: Houston, TX United States
Direct Phone: 713.974.7214
Main Phone: 713.974.7214
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