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The Wright Brothers
The Kevin Eikenberry Group The Kevin Eikenberry Group
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Indianapolis, IN
Sunday, August 2, 2015


By David McCullough

Wright-BrothersI get on airplanes all the time, and never think anything about it. The industry of everything related to flight and flying is massive, and we all take it for granted. And it all started with a couple of brothers with a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio who began to believe man could fly.

They weren’t the only ones who believed it could be done – inventors around the world had been trying to solve the mystery for years. Governments were investing large sums of money to crack the code. Again, two brothers investing only their minds, their time, their effort and the profits from their business made it happen.

Reading about achievers is inspiring. Reading about people who achieve against all odds is useful. Reading about people who continue to grow to meet the challenges of their life is instructive.

This book is all three of these things.

Written by one of the preeminent historians of our time, this book tells the story of the Wright Brothers in a way that provides historical understanding, which is great if you like history, but it provides so much more for anyone who wants to lead, achieve more for themselves and their teams, and who wants to inspire achievement and success in others.

I enjoyed this book, and I believe you will too.

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Name: Kevin Eikenberry
Title: Chief Potential Officer
Group: The Kevin Eikenberry Group
Direct Phone: 317-387-1424
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