Friday, June 30, 2023
Hey there, my friends! It’s me, Terry Brock, here on this wacky and wild episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.
Buckle up and get ready because today we’re diving deep into the top 5 AI mistakes content creators make. This is really important and I don’t want you making these same mistakes.
And let me tell you, we’ve got some juicy tidbits lined up for you!
One AI tool that’s an absolute game-changer is Chat GPT. Think of it as a virtual superhero ready to swoop in and save the day for entrepreneurs, bankers, retail operators, and more. It’s got helpful steps and insights to guide you through the trickiest of professional conundrums.
So, no need to stress, my friends. Chat GPT has your back!
Understanding and addressing the specific pain points of your audience is crucial. Forget the typical sales pitches, my friend. It’s about being a hero for our audience, swooping in to save the day with the perfect solution.
Enjoy this video. I really look forward to hearing from you. What do you think of these top 5 AI mistakes? What are you doing about them? Thank you for stopping by to visit.
3X TEDx Speaker
Stark Raving Entrepreneurs
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And for. your further convenience, here is a transcript of this episode. Please let us know if this is helpful for you.
Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
We entrepreneurs are using AI, artificial intelligence a lot. It’s a great tool for getting a lot more done, and that’s what being an entrepreneur is all about. However, we see a lot of entrepreneurs that are making some mistakes with AI. It’s like, don’t do that. Don’t do that. So here’s what we’re gonna do in this video. I’m gonna give you five steps that you should avoid and what you should be doing instead. So you’re gonna get some good information that you can use.
Terry Brock [00:00:22]:
And I’ll tell you I’m gonna give you a bonus as well. A bonus of point 7, we’re gonna get so we’ll have 5.7 and show you another thing that can really help you a lot. Hi. I’m Terry Brauch. of your guide here at Starcraving Entrepreneurs where we talk about how you can live the life you want, living it with live and let live idea that you do not aggress against others. You don’t initiate forcing coercion. We agree with the non aggression principle. NAP so that you can do that.
Terry Brock [00:00:50]:
Well, there’s a lot you can do with AI within the live and let live. And so we’re gonna talk about that. I wanna give you these five steps they’re gonna help you. And the first one is something that we hear all the time. You don’t wanna do it, and that is do not copy and paste. Too many people say, hey. AI is so great. What we can do is I’ll just go out there, and I’ll just copy this from here, and we’ll paste it in there.
Terry Brock [00:01:13]:
No. You don’t wanna do that for a number of reasons. Number 1 is it can be wrong. You can have all kinds of errors with it. AI has shown us to do that. We love chat GPT here. We use it all the time and perplexity. Another little tool that we work with that gives us a lot of capabilities, and we love both of them.
Terry Brock [00:01:31]:
But don’t rely on them alone. You’ve gotta make sure that you are the one that’s putting your thoughts in there. Instead, we recommend using AI as a thought jogger something that kinda gives you the eye to get started. Another way to look at it is to see yourself as the copy chief. Say you think of copywriting house. People who do writing, they write copy for a living. They have a copy chief, and then you have copy assistance. People who will write a lot about different things, different topics.
Terry Brock [00:01:59]:
They give it to the copy chief, and then she figures out, okay. I can use oh, I like that. I like I don’t care for I don’t think that would be appropriate in this article, etcetera. She’s using her judgment as to what should be done. So number one step do not just copy and paste. Instead, use your own voice, your own stories. Hey. You know that seminar you went to last March? which was really good and the professor there.
Terry Brock [00:02:22]:
She was just outstanding, and you got these three points. Well, tell that story. Tell that story in your words using your voice so it’s you, but let the AI trigger you with a maybe a gentle poke in the ribs to say, hey. Here’s an idea you can use. We often like to use a prompt of asking chat GPT. Give me five steps in order to do such and such or to write good copy. or that entrepreneurs are going through with problems right now or bankers in Kansas, what they’re going through, or retail operators in the Midwest. this kind of thing, and we can find that chat GPT will give that to us, and then we can go from there.
Terry Brock [00:03:00]:
Step number 2, very important. start with the end in mind. Monetization for entrepreneurs is the key. Don’t just create a lot of wonderful nifty groovy content. That’s nice. But you can do it today. We can produce volumes of it, but that doesn’t matter. Start with how can we make money with this.
Terry Brock [00:03:18]:
What are you doing? Are you selling something on your itself on the podcast or on your YouTube channel or in other areas that you’re working with. If you’re doing that, great. Are you some a membership program, an online course. We do that, and we have a lot of people that are with us now working on that. And it’s a great community. We have product single cell. We have coaching that we do, helping people to work with this in many different ways. Think in terms of the monetization.
Terry Brock [00:03:42]:
I love the way that Stephen Covey, put it. In his book, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he talked about you begin with the end in mind. Wonderful guy. Remember meeting him in person. He was a speaker at an event, and I was a speaker at that same event. It was a multi day event down in Argentina. Matter of fact, ago. And I got a chance to see him.
Terry Brock [00:04:02]:
I remember one time I was on the elevator with Steven and Sandra Covey. Got a chance to meet his wife. And there in the elevator, we talked a little got often had a great time chatting about his book, what he’s done, just a gracious and wonderful guy. But remember that begin with the end in mind. For an entrepreneur, I want you to start thinking how are you going to monetize this guy? What are you gonna do with this piece of content? Think that through clearly. Thinking of as we talk about in stark raving entrepreneurs, Who is your target market? What problem are you solving? How are you solving that? How do you make that affordable for your target market? and profitable for you. You’ve got to come up with both of those sides or it’s not gonna last. So begin with that in mind and you’ll do a lot better.
Terry Brock [00:04:46]:
Oh, point number 3 is really important because it ties in with number 2 that you wanna make sure you’re monetizing this. you need to do your research. Find out what your target market is looking for. Hey. That principle applies even way before AI. That applies in the ancient seminars in the in Babylonia where they were trading in the markets and all that kind of thing. You want to find out what your market is looking for. Where are they hurting? not just something that will be good for them.
Terry Brock [00:05:13]:
Find out where they have pain. I’m learning that the hard way. I say it’s still learning because even though I’ve known it for years, still need to practice it. instead of just saying, hey. Here’s a new widget. It’s really good. What you wanna do is say, that pain you’ve got right now, when you have this and this, that turnover problem you’ve got, or the employees that are not feeling well or you can’t get your message out to the people you want, we have a way to solve that. And you wanna then do your research around that.
Terry Brock [00:05:39]:
research around what you can do to solve the problem. This is where chat GPT and perplexity come in again. They can give you answers of what people are looking for. As a matter of fact, I’m putting this video together. I did a lot of searches on both of those to find out lots of information so I got this much information. Notice my hands are off screen. Those of you that are catching this on podcasts, my hands are off the screen. Okay? They’re up there.
Terry Brock [00:06:01]:
They’re over there. There they are. They’re both going down. But you wanna narrow it down to this. wanna narrow it down to something that is usable, something they can implement right away. So what you wanna do is wrap your brain around your customers listen more to what they’re saying. Go out to Facebook groups and listen to what people are complaining about in your target Facebook groups tend to get a lot more realistic real world answers coming through that people are saying, who’s had a problem with? Or how do you solve this kind thing or I’m faced with this dilemma, those are the kind of things that you wanna start targeting. Let that perk up your ears and then be there to help.
Terry Brock [00:06:36]:
Do not sell. Don’t sell there. Don’t come on and say hi. I’m wonderful. I buy my stuff. We get that on LinkedIn all the time. I must get about 20 to 30 requests every week on LinkedIn. So please stop doing that.
Terry Brock [00:06:49]:
I wouldn’t stand. You need to find out what they’re doing and then say, hey. Here’s some solutions for and you do that on a regular basis, people start associating you with solution. Hey. Every time that guy puts something in, and that’s good. I like what he says. Hey. I like what he says on that.
Terry Brock [00:07:04]:
So if you want to give, I’d like the idea of 5 real powerful gives before you have any ask or any kind of promo. before you come out and say, hi. We do this for our service, and we offer this. You wanna make sure you give a lot of value first. Give that value And then from there, you’ll be able to build on top of that. Point number 4 oh, this is important. Not proofreading and fact checking. gotta do it.
Terry Brock [00:07:29]:
It used to be, and it still is. We often will joke with tongue and cheek saying, oh, yeah. It must be true. I got it on the Internet. And so we know, hey. There’s stuff on the Internet that were put there by it was put there by people, and guess what? Some of it’s wrong. You’ve gotta do your fact check You gotta do the proofing of that. That means also grammar.
Terry Brock [00:07:48]:
That means looking at the words, did you use the right words? And, again, this is where you’re doing it rather than the AI doing it. and you wanna look at what is going on and what it what’s happening there. It’s another reason why you don’t wanna do the old copy and paste We have seen it over at over almost laughable times when Gina and I are doing this, Gina and my partner, and I were putting together programs and we’ll do some research, and it’ll tell us this person did this, this, and this. And we found out, wait a minute, they did this, but they did not do this. That’s somebody else, and it gets mixed up. So when we say, hey. It’s on the Internet. Well, guess where chat, GPT, perplexity, and those other other wonderful AI tools are getting their information, from the Internet.
Terry Brock [00:08:27]:
So they’re getting it on the Internet, and it can be something that’s wrong. You need to do your fact checking. I remember in journalism where we would do is we had a rule of 3 non corroborating sources. So if you hear it one place, you go, okay. That’s nice. You hear it twice, you go, It seems like a a nice thing. It’s a coincidence. Three times, you’re thinking, okay, this could be a trend.
Terry Brock [00:08:48]:
Now it can still be wrong with 3. Yeah. Get it. Could still be wrong there, but what you wanna do is be able to do your research and get out there. I’m gonna be showing some late and some other videos later on down road where you can do some research. Be sure and subscribe to this channel so you’ll see those when they start coming out. But looking at some real serious academic research that you can then use the entrepreneurial world to get out there and make some money. Oh, number 5 is a biggie.
Terry Brock [00:09:15]:
People are allowing themselves to be overwhelmed. and that’s easy to do. It’s understandable. There’s so much going on with AI every day. Literally, this is not hyperbole. Every day, there’s some new development. or actually develop months, plural. There’s a bunch of them out there.
Terry Brock [00:09:30]:
So what do you do? Ah, how are you gonna handle it? Well, one of the things you wanna do is first step back and relax. Realize Okay. We can make it. We’re gonna make it through this. And also don’t try to do this alone. One of the things you definitely wanna do in today’s world is make sure you have a community, a group around you. It’s one of the things we do at stark raving entrepreneurs. We have our events that are held every week on Wednesday 4 PM EST.
Terry Brock [00:09:57]:
And by the way, they’re free. We bring in great speakers. I know they’re great speaker. They’re world class. because we’re in the National Speakers Association, and we know a lot of people who are really, really smart. People are lot smarter than I am. And we bring them in to talk about different topics. So if you wanna get a community and if the stark raving entrepreneurs fits for you, that’d be great.
Terry Brock [00:10:15]:
Come on in and check us out. No charge for that. And get involved and join. We have programs that you can get involved than our bronze level or silver level, gold level, and all of that’s there. I’ll tell you how to do this. And, also, I wanna give you a gift at the end this video so that you can start getting some information on AI tools that you can use. So get involved with community. Don’t be overwhelmed.
Terry Brock [00:10:37]:
Have others that you’re working with and get those questions. Subscribe to the right Facebook groups. the right YouTube channels that are out there. Get those and find ways that you can overcome it. It’s fast moving. You’re not gonna make it on your own, but the good news is also So with all this good that’s there, you’re gonna be able to do it if you have the right community. We often say it’s dark raving entrepreneurs. People come for the content but they stay for the community because we’ve got a wonderful group of people there that can help you.
Terry Brock [00:11:06]:
Oh, and here’s a bonus point. 5.7, I’ll call it, Make sure that your team is trained in the right kind of AI procedures. Make sure your team, the people you’re working with. That might be employees. that might be contractors you work with, might be people that are helping you from time to time. Make sure that they know how to use AI, then you’re empowering them to get even more done. We’re doing that with our team members now, showing them how to do something that was taking them a lot of time before, and now crunch it down with AI to get even more done. So there’s a lot of good that can come from that and a lot of good things you can do.
Terry Brock [00:11:39]:
And all base around the live and let live philosophy. The idea that you do what you wanna do, don’t harm others and don’t take their stuff. treat people the way that they need to be treated, treating them peacefully and honorably. I love the way that Leonard Reed said it years ago. Anything that’s peaceful If it’s peaceful, we’re all for it. If you’re causing violence and hurting people, that we don’t want that. We don’t want that. Larry Reed was great, and the foundation of economic education is what he started and still good information, still good words of advice for us today.
Terry Brock [00:12:10]:
So here’s some ways that you can get involved with that. First of all, our arcraving is where you can get information about who we are, what we have, a bronze silver and gold groups that we have, see if that would be right for you. And you can get in there, start taking advantage of that. And by the way, here’s a way you can help us right now right here. The algorithms are out there saying, okay. Do people believe in this living and let live? Do they believe in being an entrepreneur in doing that? Well, subscribe to this. like it, share it, and please subscribe. I know you get that on a lot of channels, but this is sending a statement that says, hey, I’m for And I wanna do it.
Terry Brock [00:12:45]:
And that means also when you subscribe to this, would we have all those other videos coming out in the future about research you’re gonna get it, how you can use tools like Castmagic and perplexity and others better, well, this is what you can do. And you wanna find out wins the event I was telling you about, That’s it. is where you can sign up for free. and you’re able to come in and learn from some people that are wonderful from all over the world. We’re getting people from not only the United States, but also other countries, and we’re gonna find that we are a richer environment, a more diverse environment that way, and I love that diversity about it. I think it’s really good. And so those are of the things I would recommend, but I’ve got a treat for you.
Terry Brock [00:13:29]:
Something that’s gonna be really good. We’ve put together a special list of tools in AI that can help you. ai tools for It’s where you wanna go. And notice how that’s spelled. All in lowercase AI tools, the number 4, biz, all as one word together. AI tools for Bitch, you’ll learn about tools chatgpt, DALL E 2, hugely, a fabulous tool that gives you instruction on speaking in a speech coach that can help you with that, stable diffusion, lexicon, OpenAI, and, of course, Canva. We love Canva.
Terry Brock [00:14:06]:
A lot of good stuff there for you. And matter of fact, those of you who are watching this on video here, make it easy for you. I know you got your phone there with you. Here’s a QR code that’ll take you right over there. If you’re catching this on audio format like podcast. AI tools for is where you go. So lots of good ahead. We have really appreciate you being with us and being part of journey on the live and let live environment for entrepreneurs.
Terry Brock [00:14:31]:
I’m Terry Brock. And, hey, I got another goodie for you. Right over here, we’ve got a video cooked up going to help you get ahead and get even more on AI. It’s a tool we put together especially, and I think you’ll like it. Looking forward to hearing from you.