Friday, December 27, 2024

Episode Highlights:
1. Focus on Automatic Concepts in YouTube:
o What are Automatic Concepts?
? YouTube uses AI to identify and explain concepts in videos that may seem unclear.
? These concepts are added to video descriptions and are typically enabled by default.
o Concerns:
? Sometimes these added descriptions may be irrelevant or confusing.
? It's important for creators to review and decide whether to keep or disable them on a per-video basis.
2. Steps to Disable Automatic Concepts:
o Go to YouTube Studio.
o Select a video under the Content section.
o Open the Details tab, click Show More, and locate the "Automatic Concepts" option.
o Uncheck the box to disable it for the selected video.
o Save or publish changes to ensure the settings are applied.
3. Potential Benefits of Automatic Concepts:
o Claims suggest they improve video discoverability and engagement by helping the YouTube algorithm.
o However, creators need to assess whether the feature adds value or creates confusion.
4. Advice for YouTube Creators:
o Be clear in your content to reduce reliance on features like Automatic Concepts.
o Stay informed about new YouTube settings that might impact your channel.
Closing Notes:
• Tom announced this is part of a series of short episodes focusing on YouTube tips.
• Reminder to check out his Automation eBook and resources at:
o – A licensed internet marketing school.
o – Tom’s mentor program.
Next Episode Preview: The series continues with more insights into optimizing YouTube channels.
Episode 944 – YouTube Automatic Concepts
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute, the entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 944 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to start a series of very short episodes on YouTube and things that you probably never heard of that are hurting your YouTube channel. So today we're going to talk about Automatic Concepts. And I hope you didn't miss episode 943. That was crappy stupid ideas. All right. That wasn't part of the YouTube series, but I guess it kind of applies. All right. Hope you didn't forget to download a copy of our automation e-book at Check out our school at It's the only licensed, dedicated internet marketing school in the country and my mentor program at
[00:01:14] All right, so what's this automatic concept thing? Well, YouTube kind of looks at your video, I guess they're using AI and they say, oh, here's a concept that maybe people don't wouldn't understand. And we'll explain it a little bit more okay. In other words, they're they're looking at you and saying, hey, you didn't explain this very well. So we're going to help you out here. Well, that might not be the case. It might be a term that's not used very often. And, you know, what I say is be very clear in your videos and you won't have to depend on these automatic concepts. You can turn them off if you want to. And that's what we're going to talk about today is they appear in your video description and I believe they're on by default nowadays, so if you don't want them to show up, then you've got to go into your settings.
[00:02:13] I'll give you the exact string here as I record this, because that can change over time. But you just need to know about this, that there could be something in your description that doesn't make any sense at all. And so you'd want to turn it off. And in some cases you would leave it on if it did help out the video after you've already recorded it. And maybe there was something that could be explained better. So you get to pick on each individual video whether you want to have it on or off. But I believe it's on by default. So this is something you need to look at. Now, the people that promote this say that oh it helps the discoverability of your video. So may be true if it helps the algorithm of YouTube find you better I don't know. And some people say it increases your engagement. That could be true also. But the thing is, is you need to look at it and see, hey, is this something good that's helping and helping my video? Or man, this is weird. I didn't say anything about this. And then you want to turn it off. All right, so how do you do that? Well, you go into your YouTube studio and you should know how to do that. If you're actively doing YouTube stuff and you go to the content section and then you select what video you're working on, and then each video has a details tab that's like opens the settings for that video and you scroll down until you see show more.
[00:03:48] I think in the old days it was just there, but you scroll down till you see show more and then you uncheck if it's checked already, automatic concepts, you uncheck that box and then that'll turn them off for your video for that particular video. Now don't forget to click publish or the effects. Anything you do in the setting area won't take effect. I mean, they might change it to save or publish, but make sure you do that. So the whatever changes you make in this section, which we'll be covering more in later videos, actually takes effect. So that's a brief on automatic concepts. So again we're going to have probably maybe 5 or 10 short YouTube things like this of new things that are coming and things you probably didn't know what setting to put on, or maybe you didn't even see a setting for for these things I'm going to be telling you about that are going to hurt your channel if you don't know about them. So that's my story. I'm sticking to it. Make sure you check out my school It's the only licensed, dedicated internet marketing school in the country and my mentor program at Catch you on the next episode. It's going to be about YouTube.