NEW! Alan’s Avisory Suite: Nine options for groups or individuals to receive “real time” coaching to build their practices and lives on a continuing basis. Thr strongest, best people in business, entertainment, sports, the media—all use coaches. Weiss’s Coaching Confidential Newsletter
: Sign up to receive my unique, monthly, highly targeted newsletter which contains inventive coaching methodology, case studies, and strange experiences in the coaching trade! I’ve coached thousands of business executives and entrepreneurs globally: Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 47 countries.
https://milliondollarconsultingcourse.comNEW: Million Dollar Consulting® for the World ADVANCED: The new program is
available in March, you can order now, and it contains over 60 videos and has 15 modules focusing on what to do in the buyer’s office, overcoming crises, financial planning, and much, much more. MASTER MASTER CLASS: On March 21-23 (2.5 days) I’m offering a unique session into my own success and techniques, and how I see things that others don’t, enabling rapid agreements and high-fee, low-labor projects. Can you identify patterns and contradictions in others’ behavior? Can you respond “in the moment” with a pithy example or quote? Can you produce social proof immediately for your ideas and approaches? Can you readily identify the most likely influence on a prospect? I can, and I’ll show you how in this intense session that’s going to be one-time only. You can attend this in person or virtually! $5,000, includes most meals (but not virtually!). Sold out in person, remote only is available.SENTIENT STRATEGY, my new book, will be released in March. It’s a revolutionary approach being facilitated by over 70 people in five countries. Here’s how you can reserve advanced copies of the book
and gain bonuses for doing so: Building Self-Worth: My overwhelming experience is that people over deliver and under charge because they don’t feel they deserve any better. They cede power and fear confrontion and constantly compromise because they don’t feel good about themselves. I invite you to end those beliefs and enjoy a healthier, happier, and more prosperous life in this 90-minute Zoom session which will make you far more effective as a business person and far more delighted with your life. Use your power. Strategy Certification: March 6-7, 5 pm US eastern time (9am the next day in many parts of the Pacific, 2 pm US west coast), three hours each day. My new book on the topic (above) releases in later March so this is an ideal time to market Sentient Strategy. Write me to apply, join over 60 people certified in six countries. One-time fee of $12,000, includes 90 days of my support, free admission to all future certifications, and admission to a private web board with other Sentient facilitators.
Last chance to register. alan@summitconsulting.comVancouver Day: I’ll be providing a full day in Vancouver for as little as $300 (US) including lunch on September 9:
How to Dramatically Increase Revenues while Radically Reducing Labor. I’ll be returning from an Alaskan cruise and need the money to pay for it! This is a rare appearance in Western Canada. Write to me for details: