Home > NewsRelease > Facilitating Career Development Course -2022 is the Year for Career Services Training
Facilitating Career Development Course -2022 is the Year for Career Services Training
Kathryn Troutman - Federal Career Coach(r) Kathryn Troutman - Federal Career Coach(r)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Baltimore, MD
Wednesday, January 26, 2022


We are offering discounts for multiple attendees per office, and a discount if you sign up for both FCD and the CFJST / CFCC in one year.

Read all the rates here.

$1,750 which includes the 300-page NCDA student manual, value of $150.

If you register for both the CFJST / CFCC (Ten Steps Certification) and the FCD course, you will get a $100 discount for both courses.

Will we record the classes?

Yes, the sessions will be recorded so you can review the content, but you are expected to attend at least nine of the 10 live classes. The live 2.5 hour classes are very interactive and it’s important that you attend if at all possible.


The curriculum is based on the NCDA Facilitating Career Development Student Manual. You will receive a PDF of this manual to begin the course.

Kathryn Troutman is the Founder and President of Resume Place, Inc., a Federal Career Consulting business located in Baltimore, MD. Her firm specializes in writing and designing professional federal resumes, as well as consulting, coaching and education on the federal hiring process. She is the author of many best-selling federal career books, including the Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Ed. See the books at https://resume-place.com/books/

Troutman is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable media guest, appearing on Beverly Jones’s Jazzed about Work on NPR’s WOUB, Carol Fishman Cohen’s 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch (Relaunching Your Career), Mark Miller’s Repurpose Your Career, and numerous times on Mike Causey’s Your Turn show on Federal News Network. Her business, The Resume Place, had been featured in The Washington Post. To hear interviews of this top federal jobs expert, click here.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Kathryn Troutman
Title: Author, Speaker and Trainer
Group: The Resume Place, Inc.
Direct Phone: 410-744-4324
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