Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Mexican Border Winning Issue
Trump repeated, over and over, that 11,000 "illegals" (undocumented) had entered the country under Biden, sometimes saying it was 20,000. Biden said 90% of asylum claims were rejected. A C-SPAN panelist confirmed the 11,000, but pointed out that only 2500 remained. Trump reported 13,000 murderers were let into the country, but didn't point out that that was over a forty-year period including Trump's first term. Unfortunately, the Democrats failed to correct these gross exaggerations and powerful lies. Unrefuted, voters fears were exaggerated. Exit polls showed either fear or hate motivated 70% of the voters in the presidential election.
Right Wing Media Machine
Three of the biggest lies were 1) Biden was senile (physical infirmities, yes, but he was a wizard during one hour of questioning at the conclusion of the NATO meeting, and beat back hecklers effectively at state of the union meetings. The only exception was the debate where exhaustion, a cold, and senior overreaction to cold medicine led to the first twenty minutes blank stares. 2) Biden was repeatedly accused of destroying the country combined with lies and Fox News avoiding good news as much as possible. That led to a belief by two thirds of voters that we were in a depression, instead of the strong recovery of 2024. 3) Crime was out of control when in fact we were at a fifty year low of crime and new immigrants had half the rate of average Americans.
Google: Treason is the crime of betraying one's country by attempting to overthrow the government or aiding its enemies. The word comes from the Latin word tradere, which means "to hand over" or "betray". January 6th and Ukraine would be two counts against Trump.
14th Amendment Section 3
In short, Section 3 disqualification appears to apply to any covered person who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and thereafter either (1) engages in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or (2) gives aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States. The Supreme Court saved Trump in the Colorado case, but left the door open if congress passes enabling legislation. This would take a new president and congress in 2029. This could be used against congresspeople and other insurrectionists.
Short Term Solutions
Democrats will probably retake the House and Senate in the midterms. Gutting Medicaid would cut funding to half of children and lead to closing many rural hospitals. Medicaid funding is higher in red states. MAGA Senators in safe states could face many upsets. It's a stretch, but 67 impeachment votes in 2027 might be possible if we have a tariff depression like Hoover had in the early thirties.
Long Term Solutions
34 trillion dollars national debt is about the same as the tax break given to the top 1% by the combined Reagan, Bush, and Trump tax cuts. Reversing those tax breaks is the only way other than a wealth tax to pay off the national debt, but today's national discussion puts all the burden on cutting middle class spending programs like social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. When Reagan cut the top rate from 70% to 28%, thirty years later the 1% had quadrupled their incomes. The 99% had no net gain in income, including the next highest 4% (the rest of the top five %) which had a comparatively modest 20% increase. Unlike the 1945-1980 period when the middle class and rich all doubled their incomes in the golden age of America. Since then the rich have refused to share with, yes, the whole other 99%. So tax the rich, raise the minimum wage, and strengthen unions.
Stolen Election
When Republicans adopted voter suppression tactics prior to the 2024 election, forensic accountant Greg Palast calculates 3.5 million votes were suppressed. Without taking people off the voting rolls, usually illegally, Kamala Harris would have won Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia and the Presidency.
Teaching Peace Economics
Please cite this work as follows: Reuschlein, Robert. (2025, February 26), "Farce On the South Border" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute. Retrieved from:,2025309324.aspx
Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2025 with growing interest from the deciding Norwegians. October 10th, 2025 is the Nobel Peace Prize announcement time. Events of the last three years (new record this month) particularly suggest I've reached a very high level of consideration by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Top five or higher.