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20 Things an Author Can Blog About
Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to Blog a Book, Write, Publish and Promote Your Work One Post at a Time
Authors constantly ask me what they can blog about. They have a book–fiction or non-fiction–and they want to know how to use their blog to promote it. However, they have to keep blogging on a daily or weekly basis. They need content regularly, and they don't know what to write about. Here's a list of 20 blog post idea for both fiction and nonfiction writers. It should give you plenty of ideas:

If you write fiction, you can blog about:
  1. How you decided on your characters.
  2. How you decided on your setting.
  3. If you book contains any personal elements.
  4. Your writing practice–how you write.
  5. Recipes related to the place where your book takes place (ex. Italian foods).
  6. Information on the location where you book takes place (ex. France in the 18th century).
  7. Issues related to those in your book or with which your characters are concerned (ex. divorce, suicide, sex, suicide).
  8. The benefits your book offers readers (ex. If your book illustrates that parents don't have to be perfect, discuss what it means to be a perfect parent or offer tips and tools).
  9. Certain passages in the book.
  10. The publishing process.
If you write nonfiction, you can blog about:
  1. Tips related to your topic.
  2. News related to your topic.
  3. Trends related to your topic.
  4. New research related to your topic.
  5. Your writing practice–how you write.
  6. The publishing process.
  7. The benefits your book offers readers.
  8. Your personal experience with this topic.
  9. Elaborations on sections, quotes or parts of your book.
  10. New personal teachings, insights or exercises related to your topic.
Nina Amir will be hosting a "Blog Your Way to a Book Deal" 4-part Teleclass February 7. Preorder a copy of How to Blog a Book on Amazon.com and SAVE $30 on the registration fee! Get all the details here: http://bit.ly/BlogaBookTeleclassOffer

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Name: Nina Amir
Title: Inspiration to Creation Coach
Group: Pure Spirit Creations
Dateline: Placitas, NM United States
Direct Phone: 5055081025
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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