International Plain Language Day (IPLD) October 13, 2011 is gaining global support from plain language professionals in Sweden, the UK, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, India, and Africa.Events and contests are being planned in various localities:
In South Africa, a social media meme for the worst example of gobbledygook.
In Calgary Alberta Canada, a petition campaign on City Hall steps to have IPLD declared by the city for 2012.
In Atlanta Georgia, another contest for an example of the worst government writing.
In Ottawa Canada, a celebratory luncheon.
In Washington DC, a workshop for government writers.
"The movement for plain language is really growing. For example, LinkedIn's Plain Language Advocates Group I host is nearing 800 international members." said Cheryl Stephens, a leader in the movement and an expert in plain legal language, "From October 13, U.S. government materials written for the public must be in plain language.We've chosen this date to celebrate hard-won achievements in many countries who are making materials understandable and usable."
"Plain Language" is the design of clear information focused on the reader, to fit the reader's information needs and reading abilities.
"Cheryl Stephens and I started the international plain language network and conferencing in the early 90s using only email and web pages," said Kate Harrison Whiteside, a social media and plain language consultant. "For IPLD we are using all the social technology available to get world-wide support for this important day."
The health, legal, government, banking, social, education and business sectors around the world are all making progress in recognizing the need and the demand for plain language, and putting it on their agendas.
"We need to keep raising the demand for plain language from the public," said Stephens. "Plain language is now recognized world-wide; the next step is to have it integrated into all communication training and delivery. The importance of communicating clearly to our audience is ever greater."
On October 13, 2011, people and organizations will be hosting events online, in offices, and on the streets to mark their support for putting readers first in communication by using plain language.
Cheryl Stephens, 1-604- 802-9606
Kate Harrison Whiteside, 1-587-896-5377
International Plain Language Day Links
IPLD Facebook Page
Twitter - #iplday
Background documents and graphics are available at