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Human Factor International Team Members Step Outside Comfort Zone with 61-Story Bungy Jump to Celebrate the Coming Year
Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Phil Guo, Thomas Irre, Jeffrey Jones
Video Clip: Click to Watch

   (December 30, 2009) Human Factor International's Managing Director Jeffrey Jones, Asia Pacific Director of Business Development Phil Guo, and Media Director Thomas Irre took a 233 meter plunge, the world's highest bungy jump, from Macau Tower to celebrate the close of 2009 and beginning of 2010. The three made the leap in keeping with an HFI principle that breakthroughs frequently occur when you're outside of your comfort zone.

Jeffrey Jones commented on the leap, "We always support our clients to responsibly live on edge in their professional lives in order to take advantage of new opportunities. Sometimes we like to remind ourselves." Phil Guo added, "In many ways, facing risk in the workplace is similar to what we encounter in our personal lives. This jump reinforced that notion for me. " Thomas Irre said of the jump, "It's like a one-stop-shop for internal restructuring at the cellular level."

According to the AJ Hackett website: "If you are into that massive adrenalin rush then there's no other extreme experiences or theme park ride that will come close to throwing yourself 233m down the side of a Tower. This Bungy jump is the most technical of its kind in the world. Wire cables on either side of the jump platform run vertically from top to bottom. An attachment from the jumper will allow the jumper to fall close to the tower without actually making contact. This new technology also enables the jumper to have the wildest and most extreme experience possible as the concrete tower is only meters away during the descent. This increases the adrenalin and acts as a good reference for how fast you are travelling. This guideline bungy system is the first of its kind in the world."

About the jumpers: Jeffrey Jones is an Executive and Transcultural Leadership Coach, with more than 20 years of experience in Executive Coaching, Human Resources, and Training & Development in multinational corporations; Phil Guo is the Director of Business Development & Client Services for Human Factor International in the Asia Pacific region. He is committed to leveraging his clients' human capital advantage through a blended coaching approach including transcultural leadership, vitality & wellness, and image & personal branding; Thomas Irre is the Media Director at Human Factor International. His professional background includes marketing and PR in magazine publishing, recording studio management, and hospitality management.


Phil Guo


31st Floor Jin Mao Tower

88 Century Avenue

Shanghai 200120, China

Phone: +86 21 2890-9062

Fax: +86 21 2890-9999

Mob: +84 125 753 2430


Carrie Penalosa

Hong Kong

20th Floor Central Tower

28 Queens Road Central

Mob: +63 920 902 1394

Phone: +852 2159 9135

Fax: +852 2159 9135


Thomas Irre

New York

Mob: +1 646 436 8759 (US)

Mob: +84 906 717 399 (Vietnam)

Skype In: +1 646 593 7790

Skype: thomasirre


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jeffrey P. Jones
Title: Executive & Transcultural Coach
Group: Human Factor International
Dateline: Hong Kong, China
Direct Phone: 852 2159 9135
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