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Woman Invites Citizens to Use Shoes to Support Sex Trafficking Programs
Ateba Crocker -- Shoe Revolt Ateba Crocker -- Shoe Revolt
Beaverton, OR
Monday, August 1, 2011

Video Clip: Click to Watch
In the United States alone, commercial sex trafficking is a billion dollar industry, and it continues to thrive. The statistics are staggering; the average age of entry into prostitution for boys is 11-13 years old, and for girls is 12-14. The girls and boys that are rescued from domestic trafficking require intensive therapy, medical care, education and job skills, nutritious food and trauma counseling.

This care is extremely costly, and often, victims need to stay in shelters for years until they are healed and able to live productive lives once again. There are not nearly enough programs to house the thousands of victims of human trafficking, and these children have nowhere to go once rescued; which simply re-starts this vicious cycle.

Ateba Crocker refused to allow the cycle to continue any longer without stepping in. She suffered abuse from her father at a young age, and turned to prostitution to support her first son. Crocker started Shoe Revolt to take a stand against commercial sex trafficking. "At night while we sleep in America, down corner alleys, behind old buildings, along abandoned railroads, horrible and unimaginable crimes are being committed against our sisters and daughters," Crocker says. She now has a team of inspired employees, all volunteers, helping her achieve her dream of eradicating this problem. All profits from the shoes that are sold on Shoe Revolt's online boutique go toward supporting existing programs, as well as creating new ones. Shoe Revolt has received many, much appreciated donations since they first began, and they are continuing to climb. Celebrities such as Kristen Stewart, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sanaa Lathan, Taylor Swift, Zoe Bell, Justin Chon, Sarah Clarke, Kellan Lutz, Matt Lanter and the Super Chicks have all graciously donated autographed shoes and items to the cause. Shoe Revolt's one year anniversary is August 1st, and they are launching a new website to celebrate.

Julie Shematz, the President of Beauty From Ashes Ministries, expresses her gratitude to Shoe Revolt, "Shoe Revolt is an outstanding organization working diligently to support grass root organizations in the restoration of human sex trafficking victims. Shoe Revolt is not only raising awareness about human sex trafficking, but more importantly, they are empowering the survivors of commercialized sexual exploitation through social enterprise and community collaboration. I applaud Ateba Crocker and her boldness to share transparently her past in a professional and strategic effort to build a future for girls and women like her.  Ateba's story is one of beauty from ashes as she went from being a modern day slave to a contemporary and inspiring, philanthropic, role model. She could have chosen to keep her past a secret and went on with her life as a University professor, instead she shared the truth and then set out to do something to help others in a way that she never received help. Her efforts and fund raising to assist victim centered agencies, like Beauty From Ashes™, deserve more than our admiration; Shoe Revolt's mission warrants all of our support."

To Act: Go to Shoe Revolt's new website (www.shoerevolt.com) on August first and donate some of your gently used or new shoes. You can even choose which program you want your profits to be donated to! Also, watch our Telly Award winning video to learn more about our mission: http://vimeo.com/27103766

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ateba Crocker
Title: CEO
Group: Shoe Revolt
Dateline: Mansfield, TX United States
Direct Phone: 817.845.9737 NIS
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