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Cheap – But Fun! – Date Ideas from The Party Goddess!
Marley Majcher -- Celebrity Event Planner Marley Majcher -- Celebrity Event Planner
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Los Angeles, CA, February 5, 2009 ? Marley Majcher, Founder and CEO of The Party Goddess! (www.ThePartyGoddess.com), has several great tips to show your sweetie you care without breaking the bank! Fun tips include:

  • Have your own wine tasting. Buy four inexpensive, unique bottles of wine and have your own wine tasting by the fire. Create fun games around the whole process like which bottle is the most expensive, which is from France, etc. Build excitement when you answer the door . . . blindfold your partner and lead them into the room where you have set up a picnic by the fire.

  • Cook together! Fondue by firelight. Dig out grandma?s old fondue pot and do the whole cheese situation complete with vegetables, fruit and bread, or go totally sweet with chocolate, berries and marshmallows. Beyond delicious!

  • Enjoy the light ? it can make all the difference!

Candlelight ? Nothing is more romantic. Have a picnic by candlelight, dance by candlelight, snuggle by the fire and read poetry. Just make sure to blow them out before you get too drunk to remember.

Starlight ? Take a blanket and sit on the beach or away from the city and look for shooting stars.

Moonlight ? Take a walk, holding hands in the moonlight.

City lights ? Go up to the roof or up in the mountains and park and enjoy the view.

Sunlight ? Cuddle up by the fire and feed each other chocolates and champagne.

  • Grab a blanket and pack a picnic and . . .

Go to the beach- Write I love you in the sand, have a bonfire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows; bring some music and slow dance in the moonlight.

Head to the park ? Play on the swings/slides, throw a Frisbee, or play flag football, fly a kite, and feed birds.

Pedal ? Go on a bike ride or a hike to a beautiful garden or overlook with a view.

  • Snuggle and have a PJ Day....
Breakfast in bed, watch old movies, do a puzzle together (when was the last time you did that????), go through old pictures and laugh at your ridiculous hair and clothes.

?With all the bad news about the economy it feels like the world is falling in around us, but you don?t have to get sucked in! Think cheap, different, feel good, park your worries and have fun!? said Ms. Majcher.

Facts & Figures:

  • The longest kiss listed in the Guinness Book of World Records lasted an incredible 417 hours.

  • Almonds were regarded as fertility symbols throughout antiquity. The aroma of almond supposedly arouses passion in females ? or so thought the poets and scribes. Alexandre Dumas dined on almond soup every night before meeting his mistress, and Samson wooed Delilah with these tasty nuts.

  • It?s reported that more than 10,000 marriages a year now are directly traceable to romances which begin during coffee breaks. Shoot, what?s cheaper than a Starbucks??

  • The average woman uses approximately her height in lipstick every five years.

  • Medical experts say that kissing is healthier than shaking hands! You?re more likely to catch a cold or virus from shaking hands than by kissing. So go ahead and plant one, baby!

Speeches and Event Planning

Marley frequently speaks before various professional organizations, offering her patented guidance about event planning and entrepreneurial success. ?The key to staging an amazing event, is to pick a focus and maximize your bang for the buck. I help people realize their vision with a minimal amount of drama,? stated Majcher.

Contact Info:

Websites: www.thepartygoddess.com, www.howtobeapartygoddess.com, www.butareyoumakinganymoney.com

Tips and Tricks: www.thepartygoddess.com/blog

Telephone: 310-472-0520

Email: lewisafein@aol.com
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Diane White
Title: Press Inquiries, The Party Goddess
Group: Diane White PR
Direct Phone: 918-770-3905
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