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Wear Your New Year Resolutions! Fashion Feng Shui's Free Teleclass Explains How
Evana Maggiore -- Fashion Feng Shui International Evana Maggiore -- Fashion Feng Shui International
Woburn, MA
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Are you caught on the New Year Resolutions Merry-Go-Round? For many people, these annual pledges turn out be empty promises. Although their intentions may be good, they procrastinate taking action on them for so long that, when December 31st rolls around again, their desires remain unrealized. So, with a burst of new hope, they resurrect them to become their next year?s resolutions, etc., etc.

If this scenario sounds familiar to you, please read on. It?s time to revisit your 2006 vow to create a better life for yourself ? from the perspective of Fashion Feng Shui, that is.

Fashion Feng Shui is a transformational dressing system based on Feng Shui, the three thousand year old, Chinese Art of Placement, which links environment with empowerment. Maintaining that clothing is your body?s most intimate environment, and therefore, as influential on your life as Feng Shui purports your living and working environments to be, Fashion Feng Shui extends Feng Shui?s principles of harmony and balance to personal appearance.

According to this ?anciently-new? philosophy, your attitudes toward and interactions with your wardrobe contribute to the quality of your existence. When they are focused, fulfilled and positive, so is your life. However, when they are confused, frustrated and negative, you and your clothes co-create a reality infused with confusion, frustration and negativity. By empowering your thoughts about and your day-to-day dealings with your wardrobe, you can actually empower your life!

Fashion Feng Shui teaches you to take action on your New Year?s Resolutions by making your clothes visual affirmations of your intentions. An affirmation is a positive statement asserting that a goal the speaker or thinker wishes to achieve is already happening. In Fashion Feng Shui, you wear your affirmations by dressing in the colors, patterns, textures, fabrics and shapes that energetically align with your goals.

When you mindfully choose garments that correspond to the energies of your New Year Resolutions, you bring your intentions into the present moment, making them a physical presence in your life. And, consistent with the Law of Attraction, which states that like energy attracts like energy, you then naturally draw toward you the people, who, and possibilities, which, empower you to manifest your desires!

Please join Evana Maggiore, President of Fashion Feng Shui International, on January 19th at Noon Eastern Time for a FREE one hour Teleclass: Wear Your New Year?s Resolutions! To register, email evana@fashionfengshui.com or call (781) 569-0599.

Visit www.fashionfengshui.com to learn more about this spiritual approach to getting dressed.
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Name: Evana Maggiore
Title: President
Group: Fashion Feng Shui International
Dateline: Woburn, MA United States
Direct Phone: 781 569-0599 FB
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