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Save money, steal gas!
Lauren Fix, The Car Coach -- Automotive Expert -- Consultant Lauren Fix, The Car Coach -- Automotive Expert -- Consultant
Lancaster, NY
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Save money, steal gas!

As gas prices continue to rise Americans are having trouble filling their tanks to get where they need to be. Have no fear, if you can?t afford to go to the pump why not steal the fuel you need?

Don?t know how? Just log on to www.YouTube.com, and watch insightful how-to videos offering ways to steal gas. It?s not just siphoning anymore, try drilling a hole in your neighbor?s tank, take an ice pick to the car parked beside you, run away with the gas that someone is inside paying for.

Unfortunately, today it seems as if any vehicle owner is a sitting duck for gas thieves and all too often the recent economic unrest has caused people to turn the sarcastic statements above into literal actions.

The Car Coach®, Lauren Fix, a highly credible automotive, lifestyle expert and author who has been featured on National news and morning programs such as Oprah, The View, Today Show and 20/20, was recently taken aback by the outrageous videos found on You Tube (see below for links to actual footage) and local news stories. ?People are becoming desperate as gas prices rise, so much so that they are taking the situation into their own hands and from watching these videos it is apparent that they think their actions are acceptable.?

While we may not be able to control gas prices, we can and should protect ourselves. Lauren provides tips and advice to help innocent automobile owners from gas thieves on the prowl. Below are simple ways to protect your hard earned fuel.

- Keep car doors locked at all times- access to the car is never wise.

- Get a locking gas cap

- Install a motion security system in your vehicle

- Park in a garage whenever possible, or seek outside lots with 24 hour security

- Back up to walls to avoid easy access

We have gathered links to actual You Tube footage to demonstrate this real danger:




To book her as a guest expert on ways to prevent gasoline theft, please contact Jarrod Holland or Danielle Gunnels at 910.395.4829 or via email: jarrod@hhpr.biz, danielle@hhpr.biz

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Name: Lauren Fix, The Car Coach
Title: Automotive Consultant/Expert
Dateline: Lancaster, NY United States
Direct Phone: 716-440-3888
Main Phone: 646-475-4357
Cell Phone: 716-440-3888
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