Door signs, parking signs, road and safety signs, construction and school signs are among the 338 new
printable signs templates have been added to the website, where almost any sign one can think of can be printed from a home or office computer.
The new
signs also include: baby changing station, banking, camping, offices, weight rooms, restrooms (such as handwashing and safety rules), stairwells and doors, restaurants and many variations of parking signs. There are distinctive Truss signs for roofing as well as signs indicating how many days a workplace has gone without an accident.
There's a new category, too. The
graphic signs category includes a selection of the most bold and distinctive black and white signs, from a huge coffee cup and cigarette to a bus and a biohazard. There are signs for deer crossing, laundry, fragile items, a fire extinguisher, drinking fountain, tsunami warning, towaway zone, scenic viewpoint and many more.
"This latest addition means there are now more than 3,300 signs at," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "I couldn't have imagined the site would grow this large when I first launched it in 2008."
Some of the signs are in color, while others are in bold black and white. In all cases, they are readable and usable, and similar to the costly signs one might buy online or at an office supply store.
" makes hard-to-find signs easy to find," Savetz explained. "There are many specialty signs for industries and small businesses, as well as signs for property owners, schools, and other users."
"For added durability, consider printing the signs onto cardstock, or laminating the signs," Savetz suggested.
There are
Spanish signs and bilingual signs as well as traffic signs, warning signs and even an online tool to generate a custom NFPA 704 sign for safety purposes.
The signs are available in two formats: The PDF version is free, while the premium DOC version is $1.99 per design. The DOC version is handy for people who wish to edit the sign to suit their needs, typing in a business name, adding hours, contact information and so on.
There are nearly 70 sites in the family of
free printables sites created by
Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.