Payment and sales tax calculators are among the 41 new printable
business forms added to the site
The site now offers nearly 200 printable business forms, templates,
logs and more. Most are intended for use by small businesses, including home-based businesses, but there are also plenty of forms appropriate for home use such as business letters, sign-up sheets and budgets.
"Most of the newest printables are designed to help businesses and consumers easily calculate sales tax for retail and discount purposes," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "Several of the new printables are pocket-sized, making them even more convenient when calculating payments or tips on the go."
There are a wide range of sales tax calculators ranging from 4 percent to 12 percent. The payment calculators are set up to determine monthly payments for each $100, $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000 financed. Also available is a printable trade credit discount calculator, to be used when vendors offer a discount for early payment. is an excellent resource for anyone who needs to conveniently print
employment forms, expense reports, medical forms, real estate forms,
sales forms and more.
All of the business forms are free to download and print as PDFs or .DOC files (the .DOC versions can be edited and customized in Microsoft Word. The entire collection of 190 business forms and templates can be downloaded for $20.
There are more than 60 sites in the family of free
printables sites created by
Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.
Kevin Savetz (
Savetz Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 1205