Judith dissects and analyzes the anatomy and disease of hate, hate groups and hate crimes. She confronts the sociopathic nature of choosing to hate, as the pathological background noise of the 1984 assassination of her husband, Alan Berg, who was a criminal trial attorney and talk radio personality.
Judith relates the Turner Diaries, militia mentality, and the Aryan Nation's neo-nazi pathology to the particle demise of America. She exposes right wing hysteria, the lunatic fringe, fanatic fundamentalism and the painful truth about "isms"-- with anti-semitism at the helm, and terrorism following thereafter. Judith discusses the current trends in hate organizations, bigotry, racism, terrorism, and anitsocial behaviors. These attitudes still pervade in our midst. She also lectures on Building Unity.
Judith, as an educator, public speaker & journalist, covered the Oklahoma Bombing Trial; she has been interviewed by journalists and newspapers, and has appeared on major radio and television shows such as 60 Minutes, Entertainment Tonight, NPR, FBI Untold Stories, Turning Point, CNN Magazine, Montel Williams and Sally Jessy Raphael.
Additional Phone (Pager): 303-207-8566