C.O.R.E. is the acronym for the Congress of Racial Equality.
Founded in 1942, CORE is the third oldest and one of the "Big Four" civil rights groups in the United States. From the protests against "Jim Crow" laws of the 40's to the "Sit-ins" of the 50's and the "Freedom Rides" of the 60's; through the cries for "Self-Determination" in the 70's and "Equal Opportunity" in the 80's to the struggle for community development in the 90's, CORE has championed true equality for all people. As the "shock troops" and pioneers of the civil rights movement, CORE has paved the way for the nation to follow. As we approach the end of the 20th century, CORE has turned its focus to preparing minorities for the technical and skills demands of the new millennium.
Under the banner of "TRUTH! LOGIC! & COURAGE!", CORE will continue to promote harmony and healing in all aspects of society; calling the shots straight--even when it hurts--and combating the haters, race baiters and racial racketeers bent on keeping us apart.
CORE's National Headquarters is located in New York City. From there a network of local affiliates and chapters radiate across the United States, parts of Africa, Central America and the Caribbean.
Membership in CORE is open to anyone who believes that "all people are created equal" and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world.