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Doug Thorburn -- Addiction Expert
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Doug Thorburn -- Addiction Expert
Hollywood, CA United States
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Brad Butler
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Main Phone: 1-800-UNIGLOBAL
Contact Phone: 323-461-3921
Cell Phone: 310-327-1134

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Doug Thorburn is one of the foremost experts in identifying early-stage alcoholism based on behavior patterns. He provides continuing education for chemical dependency professionals, including members of the California Association for Alcohol and Drug Educators (CAADE), the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (CAADAC), and the California Association of Drinking Driver Treatment Programs (CADDTP).

An Enrolled Agent (Enrolled to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service) since 1978 and a Certified Financial Planner licensee (CFP) since 1983, Doug was a practicing tax professional for almost 20 years before he stumbled into the field of addiction. Having become romantically involved with an alcoholic, he survived, vowed "never again" and set out to learn all he could about this terrible disease. With the goal of protecting himself from a ?next time," he figured out that addiction explains huge swaths of human misbehaviors, including human tragedies ranging from serious relationship and family issues to wars, corruption and scandals, along with many financial and business failures. Thorburn realized that understanding this most under-studied subject could have prevented not only his own tragedy, but also countless others.

Doug Thorburn -- Addiction Expert is listed in the Yearbook of Experts at www.expertclick.com

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