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Jack Beauregard -- The Wisdom Company
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Jack Beauregard -- The Wisdom Company
Cambridge, MA United States
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Jack Beauregard
Cambridge, MA
United States
Contact Phone: 617.299.7363
Cell Phone: 617.267.9727

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Jack Beauregrd --  The Wisdom Company

Jack Beauregard is founder and president of the Wisdom Company a global organization whose expertise is the practical application of experiential wisdom.The Company's civility courses are based on the three dimensions of wisdom, discovered by empirical academic research.

The Wisdom Company's courses are also built upon a new paradigm, the Balanced Paradigm, which provides a bright future of the Balanced Paradigm which is created by our taking responsibility for re-balancing the planetary, economic, political and social inequalities that are in the process of destroying civilization and all life on Earth.

The integrated mind set, new logic system, both-and way of thinking, and higher level of consciousness of the Balanced Paradigm successfully answer Albert Einstein's 1954 warning that: "Humanity is going to need a new way of thinking if humanity is going to survive" 

The new model reflects the inherent dynamic balance that makes up the very nature of the universe and reflects the harmony that permeates the cosmos. Its associated integrated worldview helps us regain our ability to speak to people with opposing political views and provides an alternative to the emerging authoritarian world.

The 7 scientific principles of the Balanced Paradigm have:

  •   Helped people connect with who they really are
  • Transformed the lives of clients 
  • Transitioned people successfuly into the next stage of their lives
  • Guided business owners to help them determine what to do with their companies
  • Created intellectual, emotional and psychological transformations
  • Helped people make robust decisions
  • Lead people to create new purposeful lives


As P.T.G. Beauregard started the American Civil war, J.R. Beauregard is trying to apply wisdom to avert a second American Civil War.