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Speaker Bank(R) -- IPA's Speakers Directory
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Speaker Bank(R) -- IPA's Speakers Directory
Georgetown, DC United States
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Contact Information
Mitchell P. Davis
Washington, DC
United States
Contact Phone: 202-333-5000

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Your profile will be live at www.SpeakerBank.com when you are on-line to get you new business.

You can pick up a personal badge featuring your photo and profile to add to your website, to let your visitors know you are online ? and visitors can pay you per minute for your advice and counsel. Unlike regular video conferencing systems ? or free video-casting -- you get paid from your pay-per-view revenue.

You can reserve the time ? free of charge, set up training and coaching sessions, invite your customers for group sessions at affordable rates then publish pay-per view videos so your visitors can watch your sessions anytime ? you can get paid many times on the same content ? three ways to get paid:
? One-to-One live or scheduled video.
? One-to-Many live or scheduled vide
? On-demand video you store ? and earn anytime visitors pay to watch.

Trainers -- Use SpeakerBank ? live or via pay-per-view for online certification education and get paid per lawyer or professional trained.

Consultants ? Use SpeakerBank?s two way version to interview potential clients one-to-one, as part of your information gathering needs.

Speakers ? Use SpeakerBank?s broadcast feature to be everywhere at once, and get people to pay per person, location, viewing station or projection monitor.

Coaches ? Break out of those deadly phone calls ? with live video: one-way or two-way, your practice can take off and attract new business ? anywhere in the world.