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Lee Pound -- Writing and Publishing Expert
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Lee Pound -- Writing and Publishing Expert
Orange County, CA United States
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Welcomes paid invitations to speak.
Will consider all speaking invitations.
Contact Information
Lee Pound
Laguna Woods, CA
United States
Contact Phone: 949-246-8580
Cell Phone: 949-246-8580
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Lee specializes in coaching business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals to write and publish high quality books and speak to groups and organizations as a way to become recognized experts in their market.

Lee has been a newspaper editor, chief financial officer, professional speaker, writing coach, book editor, and consultant.

His books include '57 Steps to Better Writing,' 'Profitable Social Media,' 'Adapt or Perish,' 'Adapt,' and 'Coaching for the New Century.'

Lee is the owner of Lee Pound International, Solutions Press Publishing, CSL Writer's Workshop, CSL Publishers, and co-producer of the world-class Speak Your Way to Wealth seminars.

He specializes in teaching writers to use stories in speaking and writing to produce powerful emotional connections that lead to sales.