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Free Printable Certificates
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Portland, OR
Monday, May 26, 2014


Just in time for the end of the academic year, there are 51 new certificates that are perfect for recognizing student achievement and celebrating promotions from one grade to another.


"Graduation is a symbolic rite of passage," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "But there are also a lot of other accomplishments that deserve recognition within the school year."


Among the new award certificates are those designed for rewarding super students (boy and girl), science fair participants, spelling bee champions, and scientific achievers. They're all decorated with a cute, fun, educational theme.


For end-of-year purposes, there are a huge number of new graduation certificates that celebrate grade promotions. These include graduating from primary, grade, elementary, middle, and high schools. There are also certificates for finishing every grade from kindergarten through 12th. Every certificate has a pretty design or a mortarboard watermark as decoration.


FreePrintableCertificates.net features more than 1,400 certificates in every category from holiday to sports to business achievements. There are even special event templates for marriage, birth, adoption, anniversary and death. Each one can be downloaded and printed as a free PDF, which can then be written on with pen. Users who wish to edit the file in a word processor can purchase the DOC version for $5.


"It saves a lot of time and effort to simply bulk purchase the whole collection for only $69," said Savetz. "Especially if you're a teacher, boss, or parent who wants a quick and affordable way to boost morale and make others feel good."


There are more than 90 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.


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Name: Kay Savetz
Dateline: Portland, OR United States
Cell Phone: (707) 400-6360
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