For children learning to count as well as board game players who are missing some vital elements, there is now both paper and coin
play money to print for free at the website
"The paper money has proven so popular that I decided to add printable coins and
coin worksheets," explained Kevin Savetz, who created the site in 2009. "This free printable money is perfect for class time or play time."
"This is the close you're going to come to printing free money," Savetz joked. "At least, without getting arrested for counterfeiting."
All of the bills, coins and worksheets are free to download and print. They're in PDF form, and users can choose from the same denomination on one sheet or assorted combinations. Then, simply cut the bills apart with scissors or a paper trimmer. They can also be laminated for extra durability. The coins can be used as-is, like a worksheet, cut out or even punched out using circle-shaped craft punches.
The printable bills are available in both cartoon and realistic styles and various sizes, and are appropriate for playing store, learning how to make change and fun money-based exercises from teachers and homeschooling parents.
There are more than 70 sites in the family of
free printables sites created by
Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.