A wide variety of new free
printable paper just added to the Web site PrintablePaper.net includes several designs intended for use by students with special needs.
The new specialty paper includes colored penmanship paper, low-vision writing paper, highlighter paper, colored paper and other types of paper that many believe is helpful for people with eyesight issues, sensitivity to bright white paper (scotopic sensitivity), or learning disabilities such as dyslexia or dysgraphia.
"Several of these new additions are a direct result of suggestions by PrintablePaper.net users," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "My aim to offer as diverse a selection of printable papers as possible."
Also recently added to the site are several new forms of
graph paper such as trig, circles, triangle, brick and twill.
There is also a new category on PrintablePaper.net:
printable templates. There, site visitors can easily download and print CD covers, door hangers and postcards.
Other new printables include new
penmanship paper, including a set of handwriting calendars with dotted-line numbers that preschoolers or kindergartners can trace.
PrintablePaper.net offers more than 700 printable papers, from graph paper, lined paper and dot paper to music paper, finance paper and score sheets.
All of the papers at PrintablePaper.net are free to download and print in PDF form. Some of the papers, such as budgets, are also available in editable .DOC format for $4 each. The entire collection of more than 700 papers can be purchased on one convenient CD-ROM for $39.
There are more than 60 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free
printables sites created by
Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.
Kevin Savetz (
Savetz Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 1205