Home > NewsRelease > Marketing With Colors: How Customers React To Different Tones (INFOGRAPHIC)
Marketing With Colors: How Customers React To Different Tones (INFOGRAPHIC)
CommPRO.biz -- Fay Shapiro CommPRO.biz -- Fay Shapiro
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Saturday, October 29, 2022


Brian Wallace, Founder & President, NowSourcing

The decision a customer makes to purchase a product or support a brand is based on a variety of factors. What many people find surprising is that color makes up between 62% and 90% of that decision. This is because colors have a large effect on the human brain and can completely alter the way a customer feels about a particular item. So how do different colors affect people’s purchasing decisions, and how can business owners utilize them in their marketing strategies? 

When it comes to marketing in real estate, it is best to go with the most highly performing colors. Light blue is one of the most popular colors for homes due to the calming and peaceful effect blue has on the human brain. Homes with neutral colors such as white, beige, or gray tend to sell faster than other homes. These neutral colors make rooms look larger and brighter which make buyers more excited to purchase compared to homes that use other colors in the home. On the other hand, homes with brown, red, or yellow rooms tend to sell less due to the different negative associations people have with those colors in their living spaces. 

Outside of just selling homes, colors have large effects on selling other products as well. For cosmetic or anti-aging products that are marketed towards women, the color purple is the most effective color to utilize. This is because purple is used to denote luxury and even royalty, and is one of the top three favorite colors among women. Similarly, the color black is used to market towards men because it denotes strength and power and is one of the favorite colors among men. 

Stores that utilize the color red can expect more impulse purchases, since red makes customers feel a sense of urgency. It can also be used on store websites for action buttons, and customers will click them more often than if another color is used. To quell feelings of buyers remorse, companies may use the color blue for the previously mentioned calming effect. In fact, the color blue also leads to feelings of trust, and this can be seen in the number of successful businesses that use the color blue in their branding. 

Color has a very strong effect on the human brain. Since it is one of the most important decision making factors for customers, it is important that businesses know how to utilize it in their marketing strategies. Learn more about the psychology of color in marketing in the infographic below:

Learn about the psychology of color in marketing, what color does to the brain, and colors that maximize your marketing value

Brian WallaceAbout the Author: Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian runs #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present. Follow Brian Wallace on LinkedIn as well as Twitter.

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