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New Company Helps Writers Find Publishers, Agents, Film Industry Contacts
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Enjoying a Book

Writers now have a new way to break through to publishers, agents, and film producers – through The Publishing Connection, http://www.thepublishingconnection.com,  a company dedicated to helping writers break through the barriers to getting published or produced.  The company helps writers connect with publishers, agents, and film industry contacts by sending out targeted email queries to contacts who might be interested in their book or film.  Plus the service helps writers find publishing sales reps, and screenplay writers contact film producers, production companies, agents, managers, and distributors.

The Publishing Connection works by connecting clients using their own email with a targeted group of contacts.  The company's success is reflected in numerous testimonials on the website, and during a prelaunch 6 week beta period, half of two-dozen clients who used the service found agents or publishers. And one of the partners in the service, Creative Director Gini Graham Scott who has published over 50 books with major publishers found publishers for six! of her books through a mailing: American Justice written for a client and sales of The New Middle Ages, Memory Power, The Lies of a Sociopath. Get What You Want in Life and Our Changing World. Details will follow for each book a few months before publication. So the service works! 

Plus Gini has published a book through Changemakers Publishing about exactly what the title says: How to Find Publishers and Agents and Get Published to help writers with all phases of the process from writing the manuscript to creating an effective letter and proposal to deciding on the best agent and publisher to work with. The chapters in the book come from a series of weekly blogs on how writers can be successful based on the questions they have frequently asked.  Among these blogs, featured on the website, are the first seven which deal with these topics:

      - Should you find a publisher or self-publish?

      - Turning your blogs into a book

      - Should you find a publisher or an agent or both?

      - How to turn your book into a blog

      - How to use crowdfunding for books or films

      - What to say in a query letter

      - How to get paid when publishers try not to pay you

For more details on the service and for insights from these weekly blogs, visit www.thepublishingconnection.com  for more information.

For more information, contact:

Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
(415) 571-8282

Chelsea Donlin
Operations Manager
The Publishing Connection

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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